Arak’nai doesn’t want to be queen, far as I can tell she’s perfectly content having her life and deeds remain in shadow.
At best Neferess could reclaim her throne, the better if there were some means to revert the mutations which left her, like others, more vulnerable to control by the likes of Xal’atath.
But the sad truth is we already know how it’s going to go down. We’re dealing with blizzard after all, and they just can’t help themselves.
I think it’s time for a Nerubian King.
Sounds like progress in such a backwards society as theirs.
Richard Simmons…
This may be a hot take, but I think the nerubians are going to be mostly forgotten moving forward due to Metzen’s return. The nerubians were already firmly in place when Metzen came back but I get the sense he was like “yeah, no with these spiders, we movin’ on in THIS direction” and we’ll see a dramatic shift for 11.1
Also, the fact that the raid finale cinematic left absolutely zero clue as to where the story was going next makes its feel like there was a hard stop put in that plot so they could pivot.
Alliance player with garbage opinions? It must be a day ending in y
Actually it’s a day ending in U, happy C’thuvian holiday!
I tend to agree. So long as the new regime (whatever it is) keeps its legs to itself, they kind of exit our story, don’t they? They’ve got some internal stuff to sort out, and we have business elsewhere.
Well, a lot of that was because of Xal’atath. Speaking of whom, right about now she should be looking over her shoulder, hearing the foot steps of Liquid.
What if they light forged Queen Neferess… anduin and his lighty friends
Oh before the next raid tier they’ll have some kind of wrap up story to it and us and all our new allies will go into the next tier to fight the next thing Zally’toes throws at us.
I’m still going with it being a council
I guess im just disappointed they were reduced into yet another quirky silly race rather then being interesting. I am tired of everything being a reflection of baseline human + quirky
I think you missed the entire questline that culminated in matrimonial cannibalism.
The nerubians are spiders, but they’re also people. And people have things in common.
Felt more quirky then really defining of a culture. They even went to show how its considered outdated now. It didn’t feel genuine to me.
To be fair, that questline also states that they don’t really do that anymore, except the traditionalists who cling to the old ways lol
my gut feeling is that the “ascended” are going to become an allied race by the end, so they’ll become suaramar 2.0.
funny thing about this is most arachnids/insects actually do NOT eat their mates, and it seems to only happen when they are in captivity, most likely due to a stress thing and not a naturally occurring thing.
We don’t throw our feces at the wall and murder the neighbor for disrespecting the river god. You’d consider that primitive, traditional behavior too.
I’m a biologist, I’m well aware that sexual cannibalism is overblown.
I don’t understand the point you are trying to make but I burst out laughing so take my like.
I’ll be their queen.
Ahj-Kahet will be looking like Stormwind 2.0 in no time.