Now that the dust has settled, why did shadowlands fail?

How absolutely rude of you to attack Tiffany. No reason for it other than to be rude. Tiffany has a good take on the game. Now apologize to Tiffany.

Patch note for 10.1 Dragonflight - We have discussed and we thought the best thing to do was to remove Shadowlands from the game’s data base, Shadowlands no longer exists, the raids are gone, the dungeons are gone and it is no longer in the Dungeon Journal.


It didn’t fail it told a story ,only problem is it is an unfamiliar story of death and most cultures of the world don’t like talking or even think about for it is a taboo .

The lore and story are terrible in my opinion. How the Shadowlands was implemented still damages the lore of the game.

For me it was the lore and story. It turned something spiritual, the notion of the afterlife, and turned it into something material. It’s kinda difficult to do anything with the concept in a game format like this. Furthermore, once you go beyond the veil of death, what’s even left? It’s difficult for Azeroth to mean much anymore.

That said, the zones were fairly interesting, and I really enjoyed Ardenweald. I’ll probably RP there as a section of the Emerald Dream.

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Thanks for the support but no, you are still not getting my teeth.

Teeth? Why would I want your teeth? Are they plated in Gold?

I guess I’m missing the Joke?

The Maw / Torghast, Blizzard scandals and COVID. Also Ion is not a very good game director and the pace of post launch content was awful.

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I don’t know, the Dregers in Revendreth are always asking for my teeth.

“Can I have your teeth when you die?”

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Except that it didn’t fail. Still waiting for proof that SL cost more to develop than they got in revenue. In any business if your product or service makes a profit it’s a success.

This whole topic is like asking someone “When will you stop kicking my dog” when not only are they not kicking a dog, you don’t even own a dog.

I guess I missed that. :expressionless:

I was answering it as a hypothetical because otherwise why post in the thread at all?

My main joined the Court of the Venthyr in Revenderth. I spent a lot of time with the Dredgers.

Yeah I know. That’s my point. Why are people answering a question based on a faulty premise.

Conversely, the Venthyr lore saved the expansion for me thematically. I love them.

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and I think it’s the fault of right wing alien unicorns from Neptune

my reason is more logical than yours.

Ah, THOSE dredgers. Waky little guys.

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For me it was Covenants and the 9 months of no content. Also the only zone I really liked was Maldraxxus.

Apparently M+ will only be for the most hardcore players in the game in DF according to Ion. He is just so damn dense.


Cutting corners. Once Ion took over and this new mindset, they just coincidentally started lowering the amount of zone-space.

They say they did big zones in DF 'cause of dragonriding.

Even without [dragonriding], this is better and more appropriate. What the hell am I paying 70+ CAD for… some small bland zones with buggy hodgepodge things to do. Bigger, more lively zones is more fitting for a AAA game, fantasy MMOrpg.

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Legion got bowered powers (weapons) and class halls just right.

Things like BFA Azurite gear, Shadowland factions, and conduits tried to mimic that while being more inventive… but they just made it complicated and annoying.

If they just went to having class halls and a single, upgradable legendary for each xpac, I would be totally happy.