Stopped playing Shadowlands after the first month and only just recently came back so can’t say much about the last 2 patches.
Biggest problem with Shadowlands was the so-called “story/lore”. The afterlife. The Jailer that popped out of nowhere and had zero backstory to him. The only thing I understood with the Jailer was how Sylvanas was buddies with him. That was literally it and it all made absolutely zero sense. Whoever thought that was a good idea… I truly hope they aren’t a part of Dragonflight.
The zones were way too overcrowded and on top of that, I really couldn’t connect with any of the characters or environment like I could in other expansions. Revendreth and Maldraxxus are just plain ugly, Ardenweald… lol idk wtf Ardenweald is. Bastion was actually kind of decent though.
Of course the covenants and conduits. Didn’t mess with the legendaries so I can’t say much on that. If I remember right, covenants were advertised as something you could choose and not have to worry about power. Something you chose because you liked the aesthetics or whatever and not extra numbers on your character sheet. Mostly cosmetic. That was obviously wrong. The conduits are just borrowed power, automatically terrible.
Torghast and the Maw were just boring to me. One thing about Torghast that I remember for sure was how Blizzard advertised it as an endless amount of floors and each one of them would be different. The only difference in Torghast was the powerups, at least in the beginning of the xpac I don’t know about now. Definitely not as advertised.
The Maw. I don’t know what Blizzard was thinking with the Maw to be honest. I get that the whole place is supposed to be threatening, that I appreciate. But if you’re going to put people in the highest tier of that Jailer bar thing whatever it was called for just killing a couple of mobs, have it reset faster than a day. Maybe a couple hours or something. The no mount thing was a big issue for people but I didn’t really care too much about it.
I thought it was kind of funny when I looked in the adventure journal recently and saw that there were only 3 raids and 1 other dungeon added. Whole time this expansion has been out, that’s the best they can do. Lol wtf, Blizzard?
Has to be a pretty awful expansion if whenever I step into the Shadowlands zones, I start missing BFA. Man, that expansion was a freaking blast compared to this pile of trash. I couldn’t even stand going back to do the rest of my covenant campaign for renown just so I can upgrade my PvP gear. Yes, just what I needed when all I wanted to do was completely avoid Shadowlands. Shadowlands is just completely soul draining, physically cannot stand it. Hate it.
That was just a rant but you get the point. There’s probably much more.
Jesus, this post is long. TLDR: Maw/Torghast, Covenants/Conduits, Story, Zones, Lack of raids