Now that the dust has settled, why did shadowlands fail?

Timegate gate



Its extremely difficult how to make this actually…make sense.


i had no idea one of the popular things failed a whole expansion

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No people can prove things and it happens all the time. But when there is no evidence then you can’t prove things.

We can prove with a very high degree of certainty that it will get light tomorrow morning when the sun comes up. We can prove that if a dam breaks the water will run down hill.

What we can’t prove is that Shadowlands failed without looking at detailed P&L statements from Blizzard which currently are not available.

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Shadowlands hasn’t failed because it’s not over, Dragonflight won’t be coming out yet, and there will be one more patch of Shadowlands called 9.3,

That will be about grinding the Maw with Sylvanas for the next six months rescuing all the lost souls we can find to help her in her penance, so she can then be fully redeemed, after we defeat the last boss in the Maw that will pull every soul that Sylvanas nearly doomed to oblivion into the time vortex in the nick of time to save them all.

She then finds Nathanos and they live happily ever after forever and ever and you are all invited to the fairy tale wedding and Sylvanas will then get an award for setting us all fully free.

It would be a great story to tell!

Would ruin everyone’s Christmas, but yeah.


I absolutely think SL turned a profit. It failed the players though. Mass exodus of disgruntled wow players. Did every single player leave? Clearly not. I believe a significant amount left.

  1. not pulling the ripcord in beta.
  2. Legendary crafting went way too hard in its mission of making crafting important to the detriment of everything else.
  3. Torghast not rewarding gear and being tuned for leveling was a travesty.
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Just two thing. If you do a search on “Top MMOs 2022” the articles either have WoW as number one or one of the top three. So maybe a lot of people did leave but a lot are still here.

Also, if people did leave maybe it was because of SL content although lots of people were complaining in the forums about BFA before that. But there are other possibilities:

  • When WOW was first created it was one of the only D&D like MMOs around. Now there are hundreds of new ones each year.
  • In an industry where 5 years is middle aged and 10 years is an antique, WOW is an 18 year old game competing with tons of new technology.
  • The trend these days is toward social media and mobile where WOW doesn’t play well.
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You just repeat the same list as you have about 5 times in this topic already. Right back around with your circular nonsense.

Players left because SL was bad. I don’t care what else you have to say on the matter.


Overall, I honestly liked shadowlands. Although, it has been the first that made me want to give up the game for various reasons, the most prominent being the time gates.

I understand trying to prolong players; but, damn. SotFO felt horrible with the tuning and time gate of the mandatory tier sets (glad they are back still…)

Some of the story and characters were amazing, the rest felt like they were just another time gate instead of being interesting. On most weeks of waiting for the new content it just felt like a chore instead of being engaging.

I know I’m one of the few, but I even enjoyed the dom sockets! I didn’t enjoy how much time and weeks of raiding to hope they drop and then power them up. Which felt bad, but felt worse that it didn’t carry over to alts!!! (I don’t mind working for my alts, but doing the full raid for 3 months to be competitive on an alt is a bit much)

I’m kinda sad about some of the borrowed powers we will be loosing, the idea could have been great if implemented better. They burned them to where the community hates even the idea. :frowning:

So in summary; time gates, shadowlands HATED alts in the begining, filler story, some parts too grindy (souls, anima in begining, research, the stuff that dropped for the underpowered useless armor in 9.3), and did I mention the time gating?

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M+? What the hell :joy: The reason it failed is because it was impossible to balance due to system bloat, the planned content was cut and rushed as per usual, the narrative was convoluted and hamfisted as all hell, and you had to play it like a job to stay ahead each season before s4 which is dogwater and of course impossible to enjoy alts at the highest levels.


Anybody who ever died in the Maw needs to learn to play. It wasn’t a hard zone at all.

Renown grinding and Torghast farming

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Neither of those was a thing, though. You got renown for doing anything and Torghast only took like 4 runs per patch.

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Should have been a way to travel between zones rather than back to Oribos.

The dungeons were fun, players in most pugs were terrible human beings.

I liked the Nathria and SotFO raids.

The WQ were lacking. Diversity just wasnt there. I liked the use of minigames on legion. Would have liked to see something similar. The penguin race in BFA and even the one in venthyr zone was fun.

The Maw…i was indifferent at first
The eye of the jailer aspect was fun at first then not so much. After a while i just didnt go there unless i had to. Be able to grind out and get the mount helped but after the story for it concluded i didnt go back unless i ran to raid or torghast.

I liked torghast for the most part. It was fun as a group. There was some challenge to it solo. Idk.

The story made sense, tied things together and did its job for the most part.

Everyone has their opinions on M+ but when the top 200 groups all look the same, that might be something to look at and try to figure out something. Thats just me and most people are fine with the way it is.

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because it was incredibly boring OP and the story and main villain were terrible

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The story.

While some subplots may have been well-written and enjoyable, the overarching story was a dud.

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I think 2 big reasons are the writing and the content draught between 9.0 and 9.1. M+ was the best part of it in my opinion but, i got bored of running the same dungeons over and over.

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If we are going by your idea of ‘it only failed if Blizzard lost money from making it’, then I’m quite sure you’re right. I am certain they made more than they lost.

However, you’ve lowered the bar so much that a caterpillar could crawl over it.

They began Shadowlands as the absolute number one MMORPG with a player base of millions, so success or failure is judged by how they did relative to that.

And for that, WoW’s top competitor saw such massive growth that they literally had to stop selling their product for a short time, and that WoW is now maybe the number one MMORPG.

That is not a success.


I just want to reiterate that there would have been no content drought if it wasn’t for the covenant restrictions, which walled people off from 75% of the game’s covenant-related content.

The covenant restrictions were the root of so many of Shadowlands’ problems. It’s really sad, because the players told the developers over and over and over again, from alpha through the end of beta, that it was a massive mistake.

And they just didn’t listen.