Now that the dust has settled, why did shadowlands fail?

NPCs were like, body type one, and body type one with a toupee. Oh, and flaming toothpicks.

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  1. Too much of the game fighting with players.

    • Long time to get to content
    • Covenants pre-9.1.5
  2. Game design with shortcomings that people could see easy fixes for and with said fixes being readily telegraphed at being withheld until certain metrics are met. (torghast layers, conduit upgrading, torghast wing timegating, legendary scrapping, creation catalyst, renown boosts, boa equipment boxes, etc).


Shadowlands didn’t fail for me.

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WAY too many “upkeep chores”. It made alts no fun at all. Maw sucked…HARD. One of if not THE worst zone ever put into wow. Player power locked behind covenants. Story was worse than trash.

So many reasons SL was the worst expansion.


Funny how you literally couldn’t be more wrong. Mythic+ is what keeps the game humming along as much, if not even more so than LFR does these days.

Shadowlands also didn’t “fail”. Just because you parrot a meme talking point doesn’t make it right. By what standard is this “pass/fail” metric based on? Establish THAT first and then you can more better judge if something “passed or failed”.

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He was poofed into 35 anima lol


Once again it’s not clear that it did fail. Sure lots of people complained about Shadowlands in the forums and many of the CCs jumped on board for clicks but lots of people liked SL.

Also the one overriding measure in business of any product or service is whether or not it makes money. There is no proof at all that Shadowlands cost more to produce than it made in revenue.


“I didn’t like it” =/= “Expansion failed”

The memeification of discourse really has made most human brains essentially worthless.


This is the main reason I played as much as I did. I love m+

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Because it was Legion 3.0.

On paper, it was the best expansion we’ve ever had. But it was the same formula regurgitated a second time. It doesn’t matter how perfected the formula was if people were already burnt out on it. Add in a very shaky narrative that just didn’t connect with anyone but those who wrote it, and you have a recipe for disaster.


Well in your opinion it didn’t connect and there seems to be a lot of people in the forums that agree with you. That being said, forums tend to attract people who want to complain about something. We have no evidence that it didn’t connect with the majority of WOW players.

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Too much shadows and not enough lands. That’s the simple reason for the failure. Blizzard will hopefully learn. My faith is not very strong here in this department.


I haven’t met anyone outside of a few compulsive contrarians, anecdotally.

But you’re right - there’s no evidence either way.

Outside of the objective fact that the story of Shadowlands did not adhere to any sort of form or structure, thereby making it arguable as to whether or not it told a story at all.


FFXIV got such a surge of disgruntled wow players they literally had to stop selling the game because their servers couldn’t handle all the people.

That was all SL’s fault. Blizzard being antagonistic against the players all through the expansion until the very end.


In my opinion, there’s a lot of reasons.

  1. There was no buildup to “care” about the Shadowlands. It was just a “hey the realm of death is falling apart and ya gotta save it Champion!”
  2. The villain was another boring uninspired person with no agency throughout the expansion.
  3. The lore retcons of Arthas, Nathreezim, etc. just felt cheap to make us start to “Care”.
  4. The lore itself was boring and uninspired.
  5. The covenants felt like they had no agency throughout the expansion and were just fodder to move the plot along.
  6. The anima and renown grinds early on were atrocious.
  7. Borrowed power lead to more of the same failures from before.
  8. Torghast.
  9. The Maw.
  10. All of the mid-expansion lore felt like Blizzard trying to throw a bucket of water on a grease fire. Between the robot Jailer, Sylvanas’s entire arc, Anduin turning evil by force then suddenly meeting Varian and Saurfang. It all just felt so cheap.
  11. Night Elves getting screwed over again and isolating some players.

All in all, the expansion in theory had a lot of potential. But overall, it just felt like a cheap one off that failed to hit the mark. I still enjoy the covenant main storylines, especially the Venthyr one, but don’t expect to see me in Shadowlands beyond farming transmog once DF launches.


That’s the only thing that was good in shadowlands so weird take lol.


How did it not tell a story? We learned about the Eternal Ones that run the afterlife, their struggle with Zovaal the Jailor, how Sylvanas was involved and the impact they had on Azeroth dating back to the Warcraft days.

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The dust hasn’t settled, though.

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Well that’s your theory as to why people left WOW for FFXIV. Another possibility is that WOW was an old system and FFXIV was new technology. Also there was a lot of buzz, people like to try new things, any number of possibilities.

As for FFXIV having supply chain problems that could have been because of numbers so high no one could handle it or it could have been due to an inept distribution department. Who knows?

One thing for sure, there is no proof this was caused by SL content. That’s just a theory.

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That’s an encyclopedia entry describing events. Not a story.

Who was our protagonist? What was anyone’s personal motivation?

Simply detailing a chain of events does not make a story.