shadowlands failed for more then one reason and some of those reasons are different to each player
Lack of stuff to do. Not even brawlers guild
It was too casual / alt unfriendly.
I am in this exact same boat but I never bothered to try and learn everything. Wish I did though. On top of that I really disliked the Maw. It was just too hard for me so I gave up on that. I like random battlegrounds but I did not like the gearing system and felt like I could never compete (I don’t do arena or rated). I really liked Torghast but didn’t care about legendaries so with nothing to work towards I just stopped. So I fell back to doing old expansion stuff and had fun with that. Never fully gave Korthia or ZM a chance.
Right now I went back to the Maw and have been having a lot of fun. Also doing Torghast and that is a lot of fun now that I can get rewards.
I enjoyed the dungeons but didn’t do anything at a difficulty higher than heroic. The zones were alright, but I didn’t really like any of them that much; sort of between liking and disliking, all of them, except revendreth which I liked aesthetically but hated for how impractical it was to traverse without flying (I never got it). The concept of Torghast on paper was a good idea imo, but I hated doing it. The pressure to clear every little thing inside the levels discouraged me from just going through it and enjoying the run. I only did that place a handful of times and hated almost every run. I’ll go on; the traps inside, without any visual indicators was absolutely garbage. If you’re going to include traps for a gauntlet, make them visible, and make it about completing the trap area successfully; not anticipating a swinging guillotine at every turn without being able to tell if it’s coming or not. So, my notes for that idea; make it less of a completionist’s event, so you don’t need to clear every little thing (I mean I know your sort of didn’t need to, but there was a pressure surrounding skipping too much, or missing out by not doing things.) and make the gauntlet more about skillfull maneuvering rather than surprise axes to the face. Also, the shadow assassins that could spawn at any time during the run, pressuring you to keep moving and be wary about engaging in combat was just another, annoying feature. Make your game fun, not annoying, imo. Although I see the value in successfully defeating an annoying game, I would prefer a challenging one in a narrower context, I guess, whatever, it’s over, as you said. SL was imo the worst expansion. For reasons I will continue to list. Character power being tied to completing content that you aren’t interested in, is by far the worst feature of this game, that persists to this day, and I feel really holds it back. They’re right there on the precipice of doing away with this poor design concept, but they just miss the mark, time and time again, because they want to pump up participation metrics instead of just allowing us to enjoy the game, and they need to reconsider that strategy if they want to maintain a larger playerbase. I’ve been saying it for a while; simply let us choose our content, gear through it, and we will be much more celebratory towards your product. Games after all, are meant to be enjoyed. They’ve taken this strange position of feeling like they know what we’ll enjoy better than we do, which I’d attribute to a certain dominant culture of today, but could be better understood simply as arrogance. Let’s not kid ourselves, you only sort of know what we like. If you want to improve your customer appreciation, take off the headphones and listen to us. Engage with us! The community council has already become another joke about how little you do. And frankly that lack of appreciation could very well drive me away, not to mention all the others who have devotedly played throughout the years despite many shortcomings. Ah, who do I kid, I’ll probably play wow for life; but that doesn’t mean I don’t want it to improve. So, soften the edges to this honest response of mine. Take it with a grain of salt as I’m sure you will. Idc either.
I see you didn’t play Legion.
Systemlands failed because systems.
It was too big of a pain to play alt characters, and I like to play alts, so it left me with very little want to play.
they waited too long to implement changes imo.
I think they were afraid to mix things up mid-patch, because they’re too invested in e-sports and stuff. Like how long it took them to allow access to all covenants.
Anytime anyone ever says that they arent too bright they are typically very bright!
You played 3 characters in 1 year.
Take one season as more of an example, would you work to keep up 3+ alts at the same power level, renown, legendary upgrades, farm the cosmic flux for tier?
Most players are casual, they barely have time to keep 1 toon up, let alone begin to think about doing that on more alts, glad Bummerlands is over, for the health of the game alone.
sorry, i should have been more specific. yes, i played 3+ characters in each of those seasons. not all at the exact same level, but all beyond ksm at least.
The story made absolutely no sense and retconned almost the entire Warcraft storyline.
S2 was horrid for alts I dunno dude. I only played my bear S2.
S1, S3, and S4 were fairly alt-friendly though. S1 only had Torghast to do, and S3 had uncapped Torghast currencies. S2 was really the cancer where you had more Torghast than ever + you had to raid for Dom Sockets and Stygian Embers.
That patch was so bad. Bad for raiders, bad for M+ers, bad for PvPers from what I understand, bad for open-world players who enjoyed vibrant zones and a variety of things to do…
It isn’t the absolute worst patch ever but it was PRETTY bad.
it was definitely worse if you played at a high level. i’m on the more casual side (topping out in the low-20s for keys) so i didn’t really bother with dom shards in s2. but yeah if you were concerned with that extra power it was definitely significant.
The story was a big reason for me. Going to various heavens and hells to fight for the fate of the cosmos is just…I’m sorry, what?
Horrid questing. I should not have to grind mobs/side quests to get my level high enough to pick up a main line quest, especially with the introduction of a new marker for main line quests.
Ridiculous plot. I swear, I was writing better fiction when I was in 5th grade.
Too many systems. There’s a reason it is called systemslands.
Bad ideas with world quests. I should know exactly what is expected in a WQ while looking at the map.
So much cut content.
So many pieces of content that people screamed about - problems glaore! - that could have been fixed but weren’t.
That is a pretty bold assumption that it did fail…
I mean, that’s what God of War is about and people love God of War.
The Jailer was the worst End Boss storyline in the history of gaming. I said what I said.
…nevermind the concept of “Let’s make an endless grind using a tower with the same mobs that you fight nonstop for 30-45 minutes a round and need to do 2 times a day to see results”
clearly there was not enough ducks!