Now Live! Temple Ahn’Qiraj, Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj, and Nightmare Grove

This 100%.

80% of its overall playbase gone due to poor decisions.


Yeah I hate equitable loot systems where everyone gets a fair share and redeem their effort on the characters they want to when they want to.

Seriously though, RMT in SoD is higher than its ever been in any form of classic. If you don’t like P2W then you should like GDKP, since it gives F2P a good way to get gold that isn’t based on your credit card. Without it, there’s no way to get gold in an amount relative to inflation.

So now instead, a lot of people now have to choose between 60 hours in incursions or swipe 10$. Oh and the people you don’t like who wanted to get gear prio from raids are still doing that, they’re just using paypal instead of gold. So only the normal players actually lose out. :slight_smile:

I mean, incursions was still new. They were still utilizing the dreamway portals which was something the originally intended to do in 2004 even if the original idea was to have them lead to a hub of portals like in legion.

But honestly no. I didnt have much faith after p2 when they didnt utilize any unused or unfinished content for levels 26-50.

It might be insanity, but at least voicing concerns every single time beats staying silent to me. The minute one doesn’t say anything is when they stop caring completely.

Honestly, this deserves it’s own thread.

The developers looked at classic and decided it neede 2 key things:

-difficulty more on par with retail
-button rotations more on par with retail

And they are shocked that people who prefer classic over retail are leaving?


so in these 5 dates you’ve listed when does the next pvp phase unlock so we can start the r14 grind?

how about a new bg like Southshore vrs Tarren Mill or something, no new upgrades for the STV or Ashenvale pvp events? like posted above , when can we grind for our pvp weapons, and are they going to be upgraded like so much pve gear and weapons has been? why is pvp being neglected?

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Wow this is still happening huh.

Did you ever give Hunters a 2nd role or are they the only class in the same still who can’t do anything but DPS?

They’re still the only one that can’t do anything but DPS.

We have two literally in the map files.

Finish Kalidar.
Finish Azshara Crater.

Two perfect opportunities for something new that, unless you played a private server that used them, never even got to see outside of a youtube video.

Please note:

We’ve updated the blog post to reflect that we intend to start the next Season of Discovery PTR test on Tuesday, November 12.

Does this mean we will not be seeing PTR on 11/8 as originally posted? Just making sure that’s what we are reading.

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IDK how you managed to make it more confusing.

How bout rally Your forces and give us the OG trilogy. fresh rolling classic era, tbc, wrath.


Does that mean that we will have to choose btw trying out PTR and participating on the bug farm?

So…I was (probably) right. You guys DID, originally, intend for an ‘all or nothing’ and ‘better (ilvl) loot’ system. Which you then had to walk-back after the backlash.

((The delay is likely being caused by them needing to change how the loot system was going to function for AQ.))

Honestly, and i mean this sincerely, without new content most of us honestly just dont really care anymore. An all or nothing loot system being the only new things, now not even that anymore because of the backlash and its judt “extra loot on top of old loot” meaning the exact same thing as every single raid before it just doesnt cut it.

We dont need new systems.
We dont need new loot rules.

we need new content. The unfinished/unexplored content that blizzard all but promised us on reveal. The literal reason this season is even happening in the first place.

New dungeons. Raids. Zones.



The only thing giving me hope is that they are saving true new content for the phase after the old classic raids. I could see them tying the story together and going to SM again after Naxx. However, if this is the case… we do not need to spend so long on phases with content that has been played dozens of times before.

The fact that the only hope is back to SM after Naxx is why I don’t have little hope. If SoD culminates in just finishing the Ashbringer quest, if that’s even what they would plan by going back to SM, why would we stay in p2-p4 for upwards 5 months? There’s just no reason for that, and quite frankly, is an insult to everyone that played this if SM is all we get, even if they do Cathedral.

I know I keep coming back to this, but “Season of Discovery” should consist of actually discovering something with zones directly stated to be in.

All we have right now is:
A private server classless system that was tweaked for regular classes.
The 3 less ran and overall universally disliked dungeons made into raids, legitimately forcing people to do them as they were the only endgame content for that phase.
SoM V2 versions of level 60 raids with a different loot system every time thats themed for the raid that is literally just abandoned as soon as the next phase comes a long
1, count it, ONE original dungeon.
The REMOVAL of any aspect of facing a world boss in Vanilla with slapping them all in their own instanced raid and calling it original content.
PvP “events” that, at least for p1 and 2, were as barebones as you would see from a private server, and then NOTHING for pvp after that besides additional items and the exact same currency copy pasted with a new name.

About the only hope I have left for SoD or classic + is routinely commenting on these forums so a CM or dev will see it, seeing as how if the leak was real, the Direct has a small snippet for SoD hopefully planned (but not confirmed), and that’s it. If it’s small, I doubt it will be anything of substance besides just the 20 ish minute video we’ve gotten per phase…which could have just been done separate from the direct if they had anything other than the phase to announce (and since AQ was literally the only thing in the post they even talked about, it’s highly unlikely that after 6 phases they’ll randomly have a phase worth talking about)

Erm what the sigma? You want GDKPs? GDKPs are the root to gold buyers, which a human like you would cry about.

Please educate yourself about gold buyers please and thank you.

Its really annoying to see these post in the retail section I thought we were going to AQ timewalking or something

We ran into an unexpected issue, and have to delay the PTR test.

We’ve now updated the blog post to reflect that we intend to start the next Season of Discovery PTR test on Friday, November 15.