Now Live! Temple Ahn’Qiraj, Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj, and Nightmare Grove

Not talking about the pay 2 win part, but no GDKPs does somewhat hurt puggin this phase. There’s a lot less people pugging BWL (at least alliance CS side). People in my guild having trouble gearing alts cause they can’t find runs. Just my personal/guild experience.


This is a rather quick turn around for Phase 6 when Phase 5 was dropped not long ago.

You guys seeing a lot of people’s subs dropping off because FFXIV has their patch coming out mid Nov?

Nothing new versus checks notes brand new content (XIV). Yea uh, see ya’ll later if ya’ll do Classic+ without garbage microtransactions.

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I wish they removed gdkp throughout all versions of the game.


I mean I’m neither pro or against gdkps I don’t part take in them normally but I could see how having open raid slots that I could make money off is an incentive to log on more then once a week. However I also don’t agree with the whole anti rmt argument. Buying gold has existed and will exist in every game with a trade able currency nothing can ever or will ever stop it. Gdkps don’t “promote gold buying” but that does come at a cost to new players late to the game because the economy is so inflated that u have no chance to start w/o buying gold that is a fact just look at any era server where a lvl 20 blue is 600 gold.

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Hey blizz, if you are adding new runes in phase 6 for like the shoulders, can I suggest misdirection for hunters? Sometimes a taunt at the start misses, so might be a cool idea to bring to SoD. I thought it might be added back in phase 4 when you made distracting shot do more threat on the 2 set bonus…


OMG this ^^^^^ 1000%

I’m holding back my opinion until I see all the patch notes/datamined info. I am hoping/praying there is more than just….heres AQ and world dragons again, enjoy.


At this point if people didn’t understand banning gdkp was an experiment for classic+ I’m not sure what I can tell you.

This announcement does not make me want to continue supporting this. Phase 5 was already a big let down for me for the content and the class I played (huge nerf). No new runes and just some mechanic changes. If this kind of development continues for AQ, subs are going to fall for sure. Where’s the “discovery” when there is no discoveries to be made?

At least they gave SoD mythic raiding and made half the classes into their wotlk version and the other half into barely playable abominations.

It’s actually impressive how bad the SoD dev team is as a whole.

Like good job in showing us the depths of just how bad it can be when the wrong people are given free reign to alter how WoW classes play.

I mean, they did say that they were going to keep all future phases within 2-3 months. This release date is 9-10 weeks out, so they’re hitting the nail right on the head atm.

EDIT: What I think is crazy is the complete lack of even the barest mention of PvP in this announcement.

PvP has become such an afterthought it’s not even funny anymore lmao.

This feels increasingly like the game is being sustained on minimal effort and investment. The lack of new content and the hurried pace of unlocking gates risk pushing players away.

I’ve never seriously thought of unsubscribing from WoW until now, but I’m genuinely considering it. Hardcore is the only mode I still enjoy, and even that isn’t compelling enough to justify a subscription.

Retail doesn’t resonate with me, Classic has run its course, and while the Season of Discovery has had some promising ideas, it only hits the mark about 30% of the time. Now, with the game in a content drought, I’m giving it another two weeks. If I don’t see any promising updates or details, I’ll likely move on.


Anything quick from Blizz is bound to be bad. And between this bare bones announcement and some twitter post saying they ‘have more to announce’ I’d rather just cut out, play FFXIV while I see what they do with this patch.

Their track record is abysmal to trust them so I’ll just take what I see between the two and spend my time better when I know what the product will fully be.

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Well there were times when it was fun but as this announcement reads I cant see any reason to continue playing SoD

It really feels like we’re being slowly acclimated to more and more retail gameplay and features, like how they can get a frog to survive in boiling water by raising the temperature slowly over time

Well this frog is getting ready to jump out of the pot and out the door

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PVP weapons?
PVP gear on par with raid tier???

PVP gear with PVE tier bonus???

Something, anything.


What they could have done was say perhaps make a scarlet crusade raid or even the talked about for quite some time Karazhan Crypts raid now that would have been sick and get people’s attention. Just makes me wonder how much time SOD has left.


As many predicted, a lousy phase is set to be released


So… Naxxramas by the Thursday after New Year’s Day? Week of Valentine’s Day at the latest?

That is irrelevant Slidai. They need to do what is relevant: fixing the game and doing better with it.