Now alliance don't even let us get honor in AV or Rep

Why would you make so we can’t do anything in AV. Ally complain about long que times but force us into the cave from the start.

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… I’m in the upside-down Bizarro world, aren’t I?




stop exploiting wow with premades in discord? kappa

If you can’t beat em, join em. And stop crying here.

You’ll get it out eventually


remember phase 2? I remember phase 2.


'Member when Alliance players REEEEEEEEEEEE’d for TWO YEARS about how AV was unwinnable for Alliance and used that as justification for refusing to even try?

Grol Dom Farm 'members.


Most of the games I’ve been in on my ally (about 10 yesterday) have been the alliance winning but the horde still gets around 2.5k honor.

I do know the games you’re talking about though, where the ally trap you at SHGY and don’t even let you kill LTs or Bal. To be honest I ran into 3 of those with my horde and /AFKed out of two of them and would again in the future. Of course, that means the next horde player gets put into that so you may just want to wait the game out, and then wait 5 mins after to queue to get a different group of horde.

Thankfully it’s not all games.

If pushed like that horde can usually retake FWRH, FWGY, and even IBGY and make a long game, if these players really want to fight back. However, many of the horde players will not try, and many AFK. You can report AFKers for cheating by the way.


If you aren’t doing a corpse run to another graveyard, you aren’t even trying.


Play another battleground

Yeah I know the first thing I think when I see hour long ques is ‘‘premade’’

Cope harder.

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How long are ab wsg ques?

Have you considered gitting gud?


Around 5-15 min, but irrelevant to this av cave farming thread.

How about that horde cave that alliance blamed all their loses on last time around?


Couple things. Alliance isn’t supposed to “let” horde get any honor. That’s how this faction war works. I do remember a time in Classic where Horde was routinely bottling up alliance in their own cave. It was really fun. The games were fast and the hks just poured in due to the close quarters slaughter. After a couple weeks of it, some of the main Horde participants got a warning from Blizzard that this was unfair game play and if we kept it up we would face suspensions.


This is exactly what is happening every single game. For the most part, we aren’t trying to win. We just want LTs, Bal, Commanders, bunkers, and then push and see what happens. Horde queues are short, so this just makes the most sense. Horde can easily win at least 50/50 with the old turtle strategy if it came to it.

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You got your booster?

The funniest part is they don’t understand why their queues are getting longer. The non ranking horde know it’s useless to do AV. This is alliance’s own fault. All they had to do is keep the races going. But they chose their queue times. Makes me laugh when I see complaints.

The longer they want to stall the game and farm the horde in the middle and SHGY/B area, then turtle, the bigger the multiplier on how long their queues will be.