November trading post?

They can put in fallout assets too. Its one big happy family.

NGL…for a pretty decent NCR ranger armour setup if in the cash store it a be a shut up and take my money moment.

Alliance Platers in t-60 power armour? Yes please. The lore is gnomes learned how to make armour that doesn’t look like butt.

Horde can get x-01 enclave power armour. Lets have the “bad guy” role have a benefit for once. The x-01 is to my eyes the better armour really lol.

And a chance for the Big Sword Of Doom (BSOD) to drop from dungeon bosses during Pilgrim’s Bounty.

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I sense a riot.

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will hunters get the BFG?

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November… Where i’ll get the turkinator again just to murder birds

Does it work on Stewards and Arrakoa?

I murder them all yr


This madness must end!1!


THe oddity about turkey day.

Fun fact missed by some…one can eat this year round.

Often times its a cheaper meal for the poundage. Relatively easy to cook too. We throw this in the mix to break up chicken beef fish rotations.

Same for ham. throw that hunk of meat meat in the oven…whip up same old veggies and starch near the end.

It like a few dinners and a “brown bag” lunch or 2 too. Stretches that food dollar lol.

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I have already purchased seven.

I agree.

It’s a turkey mount for the bonus reward, that Is all I know.

Yes, Warden Set, and the mounts are the 12 trade post achieve

laughs in Arizonan

Yes please

I was just thinking about this yesterday when I was doing my trading post monthly shopping.

I picked up the Imp in a Ball and the Coldflame Core mount.

Already had the Lil’ KT pet so didn’t need that.

I did buy the chainmail tabards, but then when I was fiddling with them I found out that they were generally getting covered up by random pieces of my armor. So I refunded them.

(I want to again state how appreciative I am of the refund option, and how you can buy the stuff, try transmogging with it after having it in your collection, and still refund it as long as it’s within 2 hours.)


Man, I had no idea this was a thing when I bought the brewfest backpiece. I wanted to refund it after realizing they’d released a shield version during the holiday, but it was too late. Really unfortunate waste of 500 tendies.
It is a great feature, but I wouldn’t mind them making it a bit longer than 2 hours.

I havent seen anything but i hope theres nothing good. I need to save my tenders for next months Shaman set.

I’d unironically be a fan

God no.

That means an even longer political season

cries in American

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