<Notorious> 10/10M |Tu/W/Su | 8-11 EST | RECRUITING DPS & HEALS

Update for Hivemind down!

Looking for professional soccer players!

Can’t go outside and play soccer, might as well do it on Xanesh

All members currently under quarantine and respecting social distancing guidelines

Looking for big pumpers

Soccer practice tonight

Update for Xanesh down in a night and a half

Soccer Champions 2020

Looking for the BIG RANGED DPS

Going back in tonight! Vexiona this week

ra ra rasputin

Update for 7/12 M after less than 10 pulls on Vexiona

Come get your Ramen this Sunday

The Ra-men will be delicious and go down quick

WTB mages and locks

New week new bump

Still looking for some exceptional ranged DPS, Ra-den goes down this week!

Bumping it up for the big pump

Still looking for some big ranged dps :slight_smile:

LF39M MC/BWL PST!! :skull: