<Notorious> 10/10M |Tu/W/Su | 8-11 EST | RECRUITING DPS & HEALS

bump it to the top!

You have any room for a 478 dh, warrior or Hunter?

Hello, great thread! I would like to bump it up to the top because that is interesting and such! XD

476 Holy Pally 7/12 M looking for a new home. I applied to the guild. Bnet Beefiie#1230

Bump for 12/12

We bumpin it up

Still looking for exceptional players.

Cast flash of light or something

We need YOU for Shadowlands!

I am interested in your guild and would like to talk to someone, if I could about about it, Thanks!

Holy cow there sure aren’t many holy paladins round these parts

Updated for Warrior

I know you’re out there

I see you!

Bump it up!!

Also bumping it up

bump up the jam?

Bump, Bump, Bump it UP

bumped it !!!

Raid night bumpin!