Nothing to see here

6/10M CN, starting prog on Council, come join us!!

LF a DPS warrior and a Shadow Priest, come apply now!

LF for a DPS Warrior and Havoc DH, and 1 Boomkin. Willing to give a core spot for a strong Boomkin

Looking for a DH, DK, Moonkin. DH who can both Tank and DPS. Please hit me up

Looking for a DH, DK, Moonkin. DH who can both Tank and DPS. Please hit me up

Still looking

LF for a Boomkin, UDK, and a Hunter

LF Boomkin and exceptional players

Still looking for a Boomkin

Council Down, onwards to Sludge

Looking for a Tank, would prefer a VDH.

Looking for a Tank, would prefer a VDH.

Looking for a Tank, would prefer a VDH. Sub 5% wipes on Sludge, come help us get that 1%

Is your raid times Tues,Wednesday,Thursday? Or Tuesday and Thursday?

3 raid nights, T/W/Th. I corrected it for clarity.

Looking for a Mage and Elemental Shaman as well

Core Spot for a capable Mage. Will also take a Elemental Shaman, Boomkin, and/or Warlock.

Core Spot for a capable Mage. Will also take a Elemental Shaman, Boomkin, and/or Warlock. 1% wipes on Sludgefist. Come apply now

Can confirm, valid ratio. Sources: Self Experience

Looking for more great players to join us for the end of the tier an onward!

Bamp pamp mamp? Bamp.