Nothing says "Casual Content" like 50K gold for a dragon saddle

Naw its because of the chromie time gold farm.

If I played anywhere near as much as you said I would be using a seven digit figure as “easy to get”. You can make 50k while watching a movie on your second monitor.

I wouldn’t buy it not because it’s expensive, but because it’s actually a garbage cosmetic.

FYI it is. You can take 2-3 hours farming whatever old world material is in demand and make over 50k selling it on the AH. Today on my server its Northrend ore, 79g and 102g each and the elementals are 4-8g each. Farm 500 of the highest price ore and toss up all elementals you find and you got your saddle the next day because they always sell fast and as a casual you can easily do this in a few days time.

Casual players do not deserve every single thing.


Easy is subjective but gold is not easier than it was before. It’s much more difficult.

Casual or not, it’s ridiculous that something that’s part of an event would be 50K in gold. That’s an extreme amount of money. I was really disappointed to see that… 50K for a one-day event, out of an entire year? Absolutely insane.

5K? Maybe. 10K? I’d consider it. 50K? Completely ridiculous.

I flew to the guy, dropped down a guild bank, withdrew 50k, bought the item, hearthed back to Valdrakken and changed my dragon’s appearance. Easy peasy, and 50k is honestly nothing.


So you just used your guild’s money. That isn’t easy peasy, that’s just a bunch of people’s money that you took to buy something you wanted.

It’s my guild, only my toons are in it, big brains.

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Did you mention that? No. You made it seem like you took the money from a guild.

If there had been any notion that people were going to need a large sum of money to get a once-a-year (or possibly never available again) item, maybe people would have had the time to gather the funds.

My husband is a great example. He just put together Jeeves on his account. If he had known the mog was going to be 50k, he would have held off on Jeeves.

Even selling a Token at this point wouldn’t matter since that can take a few days… It’s a ridiculous sum of money on short notice, and a lot of people are upset about it – rightfully so.

That or we have to have gold to fill the chest. Reminds me in animal crossing of how to have a pile of money, you have to have bells to craft it lol


Go rofl smash old raids sell stuff clear 5k plus to

When you have millions and millions in gold, its doesn’t matter. Its just another shinny to add to the pile you collect.


Pretty casual; don’t even have DF and I have 50k.

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It is waayyy more simple… they want you to buy a wow token.

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Whats more, is y’all been trolled.

Where in the article does blizzard state this is “casual content”?

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Do like three Dragonriding WQs on a character and it’s like 6k gold. That’s easier to get for casual players than for mid-level competitive players LMAO

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doesn’t even strap cosmetic cannons onto my dragon…jut ugly armor and a open chest behind the saddle…yeah no I’ll pass. Hoping brewfest one is done better

Haha don’t bet on it.

Casuals haven’t been buying potions and flasks. They’re still working on figuring out how to get casuals to feel they need to spend gold in order to play.