Nothing has improved since SL about raids and mythic+

I’ve died due to getting clipped by the adds or something. Thought I was clear, ended up with a gigantic dot.

I would agree that the raids have really gotten more punishing since the start of shadow lands. Just about every boss even on normal has something that will one shot you. It’s a lot more personal responsibility and a lot going on. When you look at the number of guilds completing content its much lower compared to shadow lands and even lower when compared to bfa and legion.

Challenge is good and all but it does seem like the amount of one shots from bosses have really gone up. Denathrius compared to raz is a lot different. Raz basically has a chance to one shot you every 20 seconds or so in the first phase, either through breath or hurricane wing. Denathrius it was far less often and you had more time to react. The problem i have with raz mostly though is just the amount of busy work for healers via unavoidable damage.

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They have reduced the amount of affixes. People expect to get gear given to them for not being unable to do the content. If you want to make the content that easy then remove the rank one gladiator mount and let everyone get glad in 50 wins no matter the rating so it’s all inclusive.

See how bad that sounds? That’s what you are asking for in pve

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It got them.

How you tried gittin gidder?

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How exactly does the difficulty of the final boss in a raid keep the majority of players from doing the first 7 bosses of the end game content? I might see this point if Raz was the first boss and then you could “progress” to the easier 7, but as it is, you’re not making sense.

Venruki, good morning! I see you have been doing 11/12 keys and the normal raid and perhaps you feel challenged there, which is a good thing, no? Their are players that need 23/24 keys and mythic end bosses to feel that challenge as well as players that need 5/6 keys and LFR . Would you not agree that different varying difficulties for different players is a good design? I wouldn’t say it’s “catering to the 1%” just giving players that have the time and skill an option to get challenged and feel that sense of accomplishment. This is why there are 4 raid difficulties and many different mythic + vault brackets.

An extreme example would be if keys didn’t scale passed 10, and LFR was the only raid difficulty. Don’t you think the game would dry out much faster? Do you think that would be better? The only pressure to get +20 keys done or 8/8 mythic is on the individual person. You can absolutely play within reason of your skill/time and enjoy the game.

The silver lining here is that you have a lot of accomplishments ahead of you if you were to change your attitude and push forward. Or not! To each his own, just my opinion on it.


I honestly can get why does this request get so petty answers. Its not even asking for nerf, just a small QoL change which is by the way more often than not baseline in modern dungeons.

I agree it would make melee life significantly better.

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All we can do is our best, and then complain our best is being sabotaged by Blizzard or group leavers. :smiling_face_with_tear: :raised_hands:

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as a healer raz makes me sweat. challenge is fun, 100% agreed, and i love a game that presents it well.

On an individual level, all these things are fun to try and beat, but when you account 10-20 people it exponentially gets harder to make everyone do their job and I really wish we could steer away from this type of gameplay while keeping the challenging part.

If you’re gonna make a game in which about 1% of players are able to finish the entire thing, you are catering to the 1% elite players and the rest will hate you for it.

I am legitimately trying to understand why some of the player base think this is a good thing. If you want to keep having players in this game, you can’t do it that way.

Are you claiming that only 1% of the players who choose to raid have killed Raszageth? Do you have any data to support that number? I don’t believe it is accurate.

Raiding used to be a strict pass or fail. There was one difficulty and you either did or did not succeed. It’s been expanded to 4 different difficulty levels to allow everyone who has an interest to finish the entire thing. It is even automatically queuable in LFR, so literally anyone in the game with a max level character and a small item level threshold can kill Raz. How much more inclusive do you need raiding to be when it is already available to be finished at whatever difficulty you want?

Honestly they’ve done a good job of adjusting most of the M+ dungeons this season. The sole remaining outlier in my eyes is Fenryr on tyrannical weeks, specifically his “first” phase which isn’t even his true boss fight. During this phase he uses Claw Frenzy nearly four times as often as the actual boss fight and the damage is absurd in high keys even when properly soaked by the entire group. Tone it down to the frequency of the actual boss fight and I think the season is in good shape.

So if it’s entirely about skill, let’s just up the number/severity of mechanics and not increase the gear reward. Then there would be no reason other than personal accomplishment to do heroic and mythic raids right? Of course that’s dumb though, no one wants that.

Honestly I think a lot of people are upset because they are skill capped and the raids are getting harder every expansion. It’s not that there is a challenge so much as that when I started raiding it was in vanilla in zul gurub. So I’ve had a lot of time to get used to different mechanics. When you look back at those old raids they were really simple compared to what we have now. You could be brand new and do ok. As it stands I don’t see the current state of raids being good for new players.

There is a reason why developers use people who aren’t devs to play test their games. The devs play the game so much that they get way better than the average player and certainly more than people brand new to it. WoW devs haven’t been doing that though, they playtest themselves. They are already very familiar with things and they just keep making the game more difficult without realizing that it’s not going to be fun for the majority of people.

Basically raids and dungeons get harder every expansion because of the devs playtesting themselves. While this is fine for the hardcore types that make this game a lifestyle, it’s absolutely horrible for new players, casuals, and people who take breaks. It gets to the point where the difficulty ramps up way too fast and it’s simply not fun. In an ideal world if my guild could clear heroic last expansion they should be able to clear it this expansion, and all the ones prior. As it stands though that’s not the case and the numbers of people completing the content bear that out.

Perfect examples exist in M+ where which dungeons are the easiest and most often completed? CoS and SBG by a large margin right? There is like a RLP or NO snuck in occasionally, but it’s mostly those 2 and then TJS. I would say TJS is only slightly harder because of some changes to the trash at the end. I would also say that CoS and SBG are probably the most fun of the dungeons too. It shows that the current dungeons are actually harder. We saw the same thing in Season 4 of SL where all of the old content dungeons were actually generally easier to complete except for return to kara until it got some nerfs.

LFR to complete the raids.
Normal to complete the dungeons.

Is your complaint that better plays have more difficult things to do that don’t impact the storyline? I am really confused because any player of any skill level can complete all of the content, maybe not on the hardest difficulty, but they can finish the game.

Before anybody says anything…this tier is easier that season one of Shadowlands by far.

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I’m glad blizzard doesn’t share ur mentality, infinite scaling? yes.
but lower keys should not be harder than they are meant to be for there respective key lvl.

I for one am glad that they massively nerfed HoV, RLP, CoS, and AV these past 3 weeks. Keep in mind that these nerfs make it easier for lower key lvls, if u want harder content than as u said “infinite scaling system” right? u can do a +23 now instead of a +21 like before.

The nerfs dilute the meaning of progress.

People don’t need free key levels.

They aren’t handing free key levels though, the barrier to entry of above +15 still requires u to know the mechanics. All those nerfs did was make it easier to do keys below 15 where getting hit by an avoidable didn’t instantly 1 shot you. Remember the first iteration of RLP during the first week of M+? where the upper trash chunked 90% of ur health even at a +10… this had to go through multiple rounds of nerfs week after week to get to the point where we are at now.

I think every key should be around the difficulty of NO / AA. The ones above that need taken down a peg, which has now happened (Except RLP last boss, fingers crossed), and the ones below would ideally be brought up. Idk what to do about SBG and CoS though because their issue isn’t really damage tuning, just a complete lack of mechanical complexity.

I’m enjoying the challenge, currently nudging 3k as an off meta class. I’m just comparing across the keystones I’ve done and there are certain abilities / things about them that stand out as being above what any other key at that level asks of you.

They are handing out free key levels. Like they recently gutted cinderbolt by 50%! Priority interrupt to meh.