Nothing changed in Azeroth while we were gone

I have to admit I really expected at least some changes to the original zones after we were gone in Shadowlands for several years. I’m surprised it’s exactly the same.

What, you mean like how there’s Darnassian and Gilnean refugees still just chilling in Stormwind? Man, they must be really sick of standing on street corners for what, 8 years?

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Uhh…yeah so? Ion stated there was no time gap like people took out of context from his interview.

Dragonflight starts 3 years after Shadowlands ends but they specifically decided for nothing interesting to happen during that gap.

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Even if this was a 100 years down the line… Unless they devoted resources to that… Wasn’t gonna happen.

They don’t even have a firm handle on everything they’ve added.

Zone changes take a bit of doin’

It’s a lot more work than surface level. They have to maintain compatibility with all the past changes and content of that zone somehow. Do they work around past content? Do they retire past content? Do they make a new era layer? What is the point of the new era layer? Do we have the resources to deal with the 750 bugs that changing a zone brings?

I want snow this winter on the cobblestone streets :tired_face:

I hope that one day, we can go get drunk in a Gilnean Tavern :frowning:

At the very least, Lakeshire should be trashed by the Scourge.

Those Kor’kron in the barrens have been very patient. Biding their time waiting for the day to finally slay Vol’jin.

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It didn’t need to be anything huge. Take the northern barrens where these pre-quests are happening. We know the Cenarion have been working on reviving it since Cata. How much resources would it take to drop a few extra trees, a new road, stuff like that?