Not worth the effort

I think part of the issue is that a lot of those guides are outdated. Blizz I think streamlined unlocking the ARs thus making the guides sometimes point people to the wrong quest giver. Also sometimes it just bugs. Like for example on one of my toons, whenever I go near the FP in Boralus, Tinkermaster Overapark and his assistant always spawn and start a dialogue. I know it’s in relation to unlocking mechagon but after they do their RP, there is no quest. Nothing. So a returning player will just sit there completely at a loss as to what to do.

Recently I had to install the BTWquests addon and it’s been a godsend. The addon gives you a searchable database with clear quest chain flow charts that tell you what you’ve done and where you’re up to and what you haven’t done. It’s this kind of UX design that wow sorely lacks. There’s just too much obfuscation sitting between the player and their goal these days.

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The fact you have to unlock naz and mech on every new toon is TERRIBLE so i just dont bother

There is an NPC in Nazjatar that shows I have a pending quest. But my quest log shows nothing active in Nazjatar.

Are you trying on a toon above 50?
You might need to lock xp at 50, but quests still should show with the map turn to show trivial quests.
My account does not have that race unlocked. Might do that today to see issue. I have a locked 50.

These may help.