Not pre ordering until I see more

Absolutely no offense meant here, but you are 100pct in the game to collect things, I take it? I ask because that was a very well put together detailed list, and not a single thing had anything to do with anything that matters to me lol. I think they’re all very reasonable, just not my thing.

To each there own.

I actually agree with Blizzard doing this. Part of what made WoW so great in the beginning was the mystery. Something that cannot be undone.

I’ll eventually get it, I guess, haven’t played in almost a month. Wish I could get excited but I just can’t right now with how Craplands turned out, bfa wasn’t the best at least had a decent patch cadence… really tryin to hold on to hope.

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One thing I’ll say is, people should be skeptical that this “sudden” announcement for the expac dropped, Because Anything pushed this early winds up being a Jumbled mess, an example being Cyberpunk was one.

and Honestly, it is player choice to buy the pre-expac stuff.

But in essence everyone should be “Skeptical” due to Blizzard’s History of disappointment, in one way or another.


So after over a decade of “Just go to wowhead and lookup how -XYZ- works” they want to pretend they are the CIA protecting state secrets…

Honestly this dedication to encryption gives the feeling they are making garbo and they know it, so in order to boost sales they are hiding as much of the garbo and crud under the rug as possible so they won’t have to hear
Until launch when they can go back to the “We’Re LIsTeNiNg” script with the money secured.


Garbo sounds like a great envoker name


I always pre-order if I like it or not…just my thing~

already pre-ordered bud

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Actually it is due to players complaining too much is seen before xpacs and patches launch .

Every time the beta or the ptrs come up people are complaining to Blizz that they don’t want to know about things and want the expansions and patches to go live the way they were made prior to testing.

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I made a thread on this and people lost their absolute minds. Lol.

your hold off means nothing at all cuz WoW tokens were down on Tuesday. the youtube, WoW forums, Twitch, communities and etc is so dam small this means nothing.

Here´s a little spoiler:
You’ve seen everything there is to see.

We are just missing them showing the actual zones/dungeons from inside. All features are already announced and that’s why they are releasing it this year.

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I know I’m going to play it, so I have no issue with pre-ordering. That being said, they aren’t going to run out of digital copies, so I see no need to rush either.

Same people who already pre ordered Dragonflight, are the ones complaining about Diablo Immoral, micro transactions and Blizzard’s greediness. Paying for an unfinished product from a controversial company, people’s logic are hard to understand. Better send your money to the Nigerian prince that always ask money over the internet.

Like what?

You know everything already.

There will be borrowed power, m+, and raids.

The theme is dragons, they are tweaking talents. However you will go to The guides and use the one “best” build.

You will want to min/max but rng will make it impossible.

Summary: the next expansion will be nearly identical to the last one except for story and theme.

I can answer some:

Heritage armor are a .5 feature when they have time. They are essentially a side project, NOT a main feature. Expect them slowly.

They said mission tables are gone forever.

Normal flying coming eventually in a later patch, until then land or DF flight.

Im waitin, I want to see more so I be knowin if I play at launch or wait for a patch to be fixing stuff.

I barely see anything so far so I’m not ready to give them money for it just yet, other games I can play if it look bad.

While that’s definitely the case for a great many people it doesn’t mean you need to give Blizz, or any game developer, $50, $70 or $90 for a product that’s not out yet. All that stuff isn’t going anywhere so why give them money now? By preordering games all we do is incentivize game companies to increasingly put out stuff that’s not fully baked. Even Polyphony, maker of Gran Turismo, managed to break their latest release and they take eons to release a game.

No… not really. I have found an enjoyment in playing older stuff and collecting things… so realistically there is no reason for me to purchase the new expansion.

Also I did a refer a friend account and have been having a blast figuring out how to run two account with no key cloning software.