- first layering and now this.
Layering may hurt the economy, but it also makes it so that only 20 people are fighting over one mob rather than 100 people fighting over a mob. It’s a necessary evil here in the first month of Classic. You need to calm down. Free transfers from these realms that have 5-10 hour queues DAILY for people that have toons on them level 20+ is perfectly fine.
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yea cause we man up and rerolled not cry on the forum about a que
My concern is they will allow these transfers, then when people stop playing (YES, that WILL happen), the servers will be more empty, and they will start complaining about “my server is too empty, time to combine servers”.
netherwind can deal with these transfers, To bad man.
you seem extremely convinced people will for sure stop playing classic, dats wrong doe
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No, it’s not. Lots of people are just trying it out. They will get bored eventually, and quit playing again.
Might not be you. You might love living in that sort of nostalgia for a long while, but there are plenty of others that have short attention spans and will get distracted but some other shiny thing and disappear.
Hard disagree, THe game actually has content people can spend months on, And the game doesn’t feel a weird need to make all previous bits of content completely pointless every couple months.
Based on how many private servers where around, and had such strong stable communitys, I think it’s safe to say classic will hold alot more then it’ll drop within a few months.
This is all I was saying. I never said it would be completely dead by next week. IN a few months, you will likely see a noticeable drop in the Classic population, from people who actually like Retail returning there for the next patch and/or new raid, people who just wanted to “try it out”, or people who came to see what Classic was all about then possibly were lured into Retail and liked it better (Yes folks, those people DO exist).
Classic isn’t going to die over night. It probably won’t “die” at all, as it seems to have a loyal enough following to keep it going for a while. However, believing that this initial hype is where it will stay, or even grow? Seriously doubtful.
It’ll make getting High Warlord/Grand Marshal way easier now due to those brazilian pings lol