Not joking

If this game ever gets remastered and its multiplayer gets online functionality im 100% quitting wow pvp and wow as a whole no joke.

this game (and series) is insanely good and amazing enough im just going to drop my sub to play it non stop.

Ppl who played it will agree with me, having 4 friends with their own controllers (i hate wavebird flexers :rage:) playing this game on multiplayer was one of if not the most fun multiplayer experiences i had. and im going to throw wow away just to stomp on people online when it does come out

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Thanks for sharing, hope this helps.



were you even born when this game came out

also the multiplayer was mid dont @ me (except the funny turret map)

this why you dont get invited to pool parties



dominos pizza party for your above ground pool party?

Sounds dreadful. I expect cups of RC Cola thrown in too

very soon, fate will run its course, you will be dust

Still plenty of time to twist the knife a bit before I go.

fun fact: samus was the first major female protagonist in gaming.


Yes i was. Still have my physical copies from when i was a child. Prime 1 n 2 yeee

Funny turret map was hilarious when you found out you could shoot between the pillars in top mid killing anni-spammers lol

You didn’t play real Metroid. Super Metroid reigns supreme. That first person garbage sucked. You mighta been still swimming in your dads coin purse during that time though.

Super metroids the best 2d metroid game hands down. I still have my physical copy with super nintendo. Zero mission 2nd and fusion 3rd

I was born in 2000 lmao yea i was still swimmin during super metroid but i was alive and gaming during prime 2. My first games were prime 1 and 2 when 2 came out my father gave me both games with the super mario gamecube bundle as my first console. Thr 3d ones are hands down the best ive played and still play em annually

I played it on NES way back in tha day.

not annually but yeah i revisit them often
Torvus Bog’s theme is simply the best track ever made (honorable mention to Quadraxis theme)

one of the best themes imo in the whole trilogy. thematically fits the fight and amazing to jam to

for those who dont know exactly what im talkin about

best way to play the trilogy again is to give yourself challenges. like me with prime 2 is performing the item loss glitch at the beginning and beating the game with 3 tanks with no dark suit. insanely hard but one of my best achievements