Not enough conquest

Gotta be a experienced player to get conquest points, but farming via loses is defo no fun. So far I have only a conquest weapon, and it was mostly via the weekly participation quests.

But eh, anyone starting this late into the season will run into these issues no?

I feel like that is unnecessary especially in PvP because you can completely dominate people due to being more skilled. Given how much it takes to become proficient in PvP compared to other games, having an additional layer like gear to press the advantage is overkill.

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Been saying this since Vanilla.
Devs won’t listen, they love catering to the Asmongolds of the world(who don’t even PvP when gear gives you a massive advantage).
It’s like how dragon flight was made for Preaches of the world(Raid log, quit as soon as you clear raid) and they don’t even play the game either.

Blizzard loves listening to the loudest, dumbest people alive.

I think what’s going on is that, SOME steamers/youtubers are going to praise blizzard for SOME good stuff so much that Blizzard can keep doing BAD stuff… So, like they aren’t shills technically but they provide some cover to ignore criticisms.

Like Asmon wants PvP to be a side thing people do, when it takes more skill than PVE (FACTS). They are out of their depth on what PvP players want, and definitely lack insight or perception on what PvP players want but don’t yet know they want. So, their opinions only stagnate the creativity and generation of ideas and improvements to the game PvP wise.

We got a lot of people who will always defend the “wow is dead” comments, saying PvP is dead. That’s not the problem though, the problem is, is that they basically want PvP to be dead with no room to negotiate or compromise no cool ideas, no ideas on how to revive PvP. So, the only reason Blizzard will listen to them on PvP matters is if Blizzard wants PvP to be “dead” and of course the content creators wouldn’t care enough to realize it or purposely doing lowkey shilling at PvP’s expense.

Those players are toxic and bad for the game as a whole.

not even sure how this is possible…i was walking through valdrakken and it was raining conquest points.
its so pathetically easy. I got a full time career, a small side business and i am the poster boy for filthy casual…it was sooooo easy to gear up

Probably earned 6k conquest beyond what I need for gearing, more gear for testing other stats, and more gear for transmog. Wouldnt complain if early season gearing was a tad faster, but it is pretty good. 6k surplus after all of that is probably a tiny ammont compared to some players, I’m a part timer but I love Blitz.

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Yeah I’m a total casual. I geared using blitz only because it gave vault. I have three healers max gear and that was a while ago. Next season xpac I will be doing blitz rated and I will just rotate three different heals


I think I can hit 2k on some of my heals next xpac. Just playing casually. If you do blitz lemme know I’ll Que up with ya

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I will! It is my favorite content now.