Not all Sylvanas fans are simps

Who wasn’t present for most of uther’s story in SL.

Doesn’t matter for my point: Uther is empathic. His only (admittedly severe) fudge up is throwing one of the worst villains in the setting to hell.

Sylvanas cheers when innocent people melt. Not her enemies. Not people who have harmed her or her chronies. Just… innocent people.

Also her allies.

Sylvanas feels remorse for her actions. The isolated part of herself has to catch up with the reality of who she is and what’s she’s been through as a whole.

We have never really gotten to see sylvanas as a whole person in the majority of wow, aka her warcaft 3 self, so whatever character she will be going forward from shadowlands doesn’t get as much of a pass from me.

But it’s annoying that devs had this long tug of war over the direction of her, and there are some bright moments of her in wow underneath the mud.

Her turn in Cata is as much reviled as lauded.

She got called the B word by Orc Warchief Beta, then she got a hole blown through her dome piece - and still delivered awesome lines that echo across the lore. As empty as they were.

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Because she’s now good alliance sylvanas.
she doesn’t agree with anything that evil horde sylvanas did.

Uhhhh it’s more like she’s still her horde self but she has the capacity to feel remorse/humanity again.

That’s what Danuser said it would be like.
What he said and what he delivered have been two wildly different things.
Good Alliance Sylvanas, who is Sylvanas’s personality now, does not agree with anything she’s done. Which is stupid, but this is World of Alliance/Night Elf Craft so idk why I expected anything different.

Yes World of warcraft is a game/story centered around the good guys rather than the edgy evil guys.

Eh, I just disagree?

I think she’d still be fine with working to take down arthas and helping the undead of lordaeron take gilneas.


It’s just bad writing.

Don’t hurt your brains trying to make it consistent, or complaining that it’s inconsistent.


yeah, it really is and people need to recognise this and stop trying to defend it when blizzard writes a character like Sylvanas.

Yea I didn’t think sylvanas doing the stuff she did was the end of all things wow like some people. I do think the way they did tyrande and others BECAUSE of sylvanas was pretty dumb. Like bolvar getting so effortlessly smoked made no sense to me. Even with her domination powers/enhancement why doesn’t he hit her like ONE TIME. Did the jailer give her infinite avoidance/dodge stat??

Well also her “killing” arthas’s final soul remnant was also…ugh with that final statement. The warcraft 3 ensemble is there and all we hear really is sylvanas gloat about beating arthas. No jaina, no Uether, nothing. And what about our characters? PCs are adults by the time we start adventuring with them in vanilla meaning they know about the plague of undeath and fall of lorderon and stuff. No opinion I guess is typical for the pc though.

I do think sylvanas’s motivations were sus and that’s no surprise. Most people did too but the general vibe I got is they liked it when she was kind of like questionably evil rather than spaghetti brain bad levels of cartoon evil.