Not all Sylvanas fans are simps

You’re right, not all Sylvanas fans are simps. Just 99% of them.

titters and ducks beneath trench line

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I agree. Only some of them fit the bill.

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Sylvanas is queer culture and the other. That’s why we love her and straight people will never understand, lol.

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Someone probably already said it, but… I appreciate the characters that aren’t all light and shiny. That take their pain and turn it into their weapon. We hurt! We don’t always forgive! So many “heroes” are on the side of light and forgiveness. It’s nice to see a character who is not all about turning the other cheek and getting beat over and over and over again. Someone who faces their abuser and says, “Enough.” So call me a Sylvanas simp. Call me a cruel, heartless person. I will follow that woman into hell and back for someone who finally went through hell itself, came out, and said, “I will make you pay,”

To be understood on that level, to have anyone see our pain and hold us close because of it, instead of telling us we are wrong for feeling that hate? Yes. Let me rot in the Maw with Sylvanas. “For the Dark Lady.” Always.

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“I for one would be a good person if I was murdered and then had my body defiled in multiple ways and then was forced to kill the people I wanted to save as a flesh puppet” is a take a lot of people seem to have and I do not believe them lol.

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'Scuse me Necromancer — You dropped your wand. :magic_wand:

“If I’m a victim, it’s okay for me to victimize others!!”


“My brain and way of thinking would definitely be the same after being lobotomized by a magic sword and exposed to real world traumatic events that would make most people lose their sanity entirely.”

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Even if thats her excuse, which isn’t a convincing one, what is the rest of Horde’s excuse?

They all got their brains scrambled as well?

Well most of the horde’s excuse was “stupid writing by afraisabi” but BFA had very little interest in horde consistency or sensibility past the questing zones.

One head, two arms…

You all look alike to me.

He killed Uther too, and Uther still had a moral compass.
And he broke Uther’s soul into more shards than he did Sylvanas.

As silly as it may seem, Uther didn’t have a moral compass either. That’s why he drops Arthas in the maw as a kyrian.

Uther also didn’t get raised and forced to kill people he knew, nor have his body violated in obscene ways.

Uther’s soul is still messed up when he discovers what he did was wrong.
And punishing Arthas is far less egregious than celebrating when the Blight ruins people.
Or allowing her citizens to lobotomize little girls and keep them as slaves.
Or cheering when the Horde dies because “”“they annoyed her.”“”

Someone here’s moral compass is a little messed up, but I’m not sure it’s Uther’s.

The point is that the soul fracturing does dampen your ability to feel empathy. Uther went straight to heaven and Sylvanas had to stick around on the mortal plane doing things where she felt less and less over time (pointed out in WC3 as her campaign goes on).

I agree but the didactic narrative does not agree lmao (surprise! shadowlands wasn’t a smart expansion).

I feel like most characters in wow have done something like this at some point tho.

A magical lobotomy that hampers your ability to feel empathy and traumatic torturous experience met with a bloody fight for survival will affect your moral compass yes.

So it’s okay for Sylvanas to victimize others because “”“she is the biggest victim”“”?
Nah, homie.

Provide examples?

Sylvanas has many.
Like the ICC dungeon (TWICE in the same dungeon!!)
etc, etc, etc.

Uther’s soul was literally trapped in Frostmourne and he empathized just fine.

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Nah. It’s cool that she carved out an undead empire that could withstand the scarlet crusade which would have wiped out all of the sentient undead in lordaeron tho.

Garrosh straight up killed his own generals lol.
Maeiv tried to kill off Tyrande.
Azshara disregards life in general.
Saurfang tried to kill his warchief.
Vol’jin Tried to kill his warchief.

Most of Sylvanas being callous was not written by Metzen, her creator, btw.

He didn’t tho, we have to untrap it and go on a spirit journey with him to restore him.

He’s also the most evil orc in the setting, and Gul’dan exists.

Idk if trying to kill one person is comparable.

One of the most evil characters in the setting.

Sylvanas was sabotaging the Horde to get as many of them killed as possible, to feed the Jailer.
That’s hard canon fact that cannot be denied.

You’re comparing stopping the warchief that is sabotaging the Horde, to Sylvanas laughing and celebrating whenever her allies die.

You’re being dishonest.

Refer back to most evil Orc in existence, and Gul’dan exists.
Also refer back to saving the Horde =/= laughing and celebrating when your allies die.

My son.

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That’s a different part of Uther’s soul. Yes, it’s dumb.

It was the part of Uther’s soul that received a worse fate than Sylvanas had.