Oh, hey there!
I am the guild leader for our guild Nostalgia (Alliance). Turns out we could use a few more players. Ideally some DPS, maybe a healer or two more, or a priest. Are you a priest? We could really use another priest…
We understand you want to experience the game, have fun, be part of a community of players you know and enjoy playing with. We want that too.
We plan on focusing on raiding. I may be a neck beard but we don’t want this to be your second job. Play the spec you like, but play serious and well. We probably won’t take on meme spec’s for raiding. We want to play serious but fun.
Most of our player base is 25-35 years of age.
Looking to Raid around 7PM (PST) Weekdays, Server time.
I send me a reply if you’re interested. Ill invite you to our discord and we can have a chat to see if its a good fit.
Pretty Full
Pretty Full
Pretty Full
Pretty Full
Pop in and have a chat!
Been hanging with these people for only a few days and bringing me back to the feeling of Classic already!
If you are interested would 100% suggest hoping on discord and seeing how it goes!
I’m interested, have several years of raid experience and even a few years of vanilla experience, but what server will you all be rolling on?
I’m interested and would like to chat in discord. I’m going to main Mage.
I am interested and would also like to chat.
Pop into discord and we can have a chat!
Whoops replied as the wrong character
Pop in to our discord!
Zug Zug- Roll on Fairbanks, we are putting together a horde raiding guild with a few others. Would love the competition and balance!
Thanks for the invite Dulano! However, we will be sticking with Whitemane. Best of luck in classic friend.
Just a nice little bump for the guild 
Soooooooon! The Guild will be made!
Looks like we could use more dps warriors/hunters/mages/Paladins(holy)
Sounds like a place to call home! will def pop in for a chat!
Have you all decided on raid days or is the guild still negotiating those?
Please do! Would love to have a chat with you.
Raid days are not set yet. Still figuring out what works best for our guild.
Hey there, I’m 36 and interested in joining sounds like a good fit my main is a pally and will focus on holy, my alt is a warrior.
1 Like
Nice seeing a few more interested folks!
Aaragorn, hop in our discord, we can have a chat!