[H][US] Heroic raid group LF DPS

Klaatu Verata Nictu from Black Dragonflight along with Overrated of Zuluhed is looking for a few dps to round out our raid group.

We aren’t Mythic raiders anymore, we’ve gotten old, started families, etc etc. We are simply looking for a few people that still enjoy the game and want to kill current content in decent time while not being dicks to each other (most of the time). We’ll bring feasts, repairs, all that jazz. You bring you, some good dps, and raid awareness.

We raid Monday and Wednesday nights from 9-12 EST.

Holy#1889 or TehDucky#1908

Edited because my title was “boring”.

Bump!!! Still looking for great people to join our team. We’re really a good hodge podge group of players. Just need a little bigger roster to get out of the terrible scaling that is in place.

Still currently looking. 2-3 ranged dps preferred but will consider any class.