Nordrassil <Civitas> UK/USA Raid: Sun 12- 2 pm (MST). Nerub (H) 1/8 (N) 6/8. 'Home For Imperfectly Perfect'

Are you still looking for people? These posts are great…Im from the east coast US though and horde…

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Hi yes we are :smiley: Please reach out to me on discord or send me in game mail and we can link up with bnet or discord. Best wishes, Elvwyr. Glad you enjoy our posts! :smiley:

Well done :slight_smile: Love how you all celebrate everything Azeroth from Loremaster, Sojourner, Toy, Mount farms to KSM , Delve and other pve achievements. Keep it up! Go get regular raid then onward to heroic :smiley: