Noob Raider Looking for a new home

Hey all. Havn’t touched the game since early Cata. Was a die hard raider from BC til then. Came back due to the Rona got me bored at home and I have fortunately picked up an old addiction xD

2 weeks in atm so still learning as I go, alot is new to me so I know I have ALOT of catching up to do and I’m trying to do that ASAP :slight_smile:

currently in a mythic dungeon/social guild but looking for something more Mythic/Heroic raid based.
Currently 12/12 N 5/12 H N’zoth but I now feel confident doing most Heroic fights and when geared enough for Mythic will be more than willing to try.

Constantly trying to improve my build/dps on the side as I’d hate being at the bottom of the charts and would love to get some know-how from a progressing guild that thinks likewise :smiley:

If you’re willing to consider a server/faction change then hit me up for a chat, Aeaa#1101. We’re currently a 3/12M guild looking for RDPS, and more than happy to take the time to help with gearing.

I’m looking for people to join my new raid guild on Khaz’goroth horde if you are interested?


We at Papaflessas (Nagrand) are returning WOW players looking for PVP/PVE/Mythic content. In Legion, we were full clear heroic and some early mythic. We love to banter but - please let us know if you are keen.

Heya bud!
we’re recruiting DPS for our SL raid team, focusing hard on AOTC then mythic progression ASAP

if you’re interested, send me a bnet friend request at FrankWalker#11939

Hey mate,

Seeking a warlock in particular to fill a slot in my raid roster. We have lots of experience, with some of us 12/12M this expansion.

See post below

And message me in game if interested.