Noob Dwarf seeks friends

Hi all! I’m a new player looking for a guild.

I’m looking for something super casual. Hardest content I’ve ever done is a normal raid, and I’ve never touched Mythic+. I’m interested in harder content, but don’t have the game knowledge to trust myself in a PUG yet.

I’m in the EST time zone and would prefer a guild with a Discord server.
I work from home, so expect me to be fairly active on discord even during work hours for memes and chatting.

I also have a spouse that plays WoW. If you add me, expect them to follow shortly after.


Modan Spellbreak Agency is a fun RP guild. The GM and crew set up a lot of RP content, though I don’t do PVE with this toon so I can’t speak to that area. It’s a Dwarven guild. Sounds like we are close to the same level of experience, feel free to message or add me in game.


I will gently slip this here if you want to check out some Rps, some of us get together and do mythic+ and other such things!


Hello y’all!

I’m in a similiar situation here. Took a rather lengthy break from the game and with winter rolling in I got the itch to play again. I’m EST time. Started playing WoW back during WotLK. I played regularly up until beginning of BfA.

I enjoy PvE content and while I have some experience, I never really got into Mythic+ or Raiding. I know my class and would be interested in learning the ropes with the right guild. My old realm was quite heavy into RP and PvP of all kinds. I’m new to Moon Guard and would love to make some friends as well. Feel free to hit me up in game.

Kindest regards. :v: