Non RP compliant names?

Is there evidence that when I report people whose names are in violation of RP server naming rules blizz actually makes the violator change their name?


No. And quite honestly, it’s a lost cause. Has been for a long time.

The only bit of advice I’ve heard on that topic is to add that person to you friend list and wait to see if it changes. I’d rather not obsess over it (or muck up my friends list).

Even on the RP server here, most people are running around with attempted “witty” non-names, instead of any attempt at a real fantasy character name. It’s just the state & mentality of the modern-day player community.


I’d suggest stop worrying about how others play and just enjoy the game for yourself.

Because snowflakes like you don’t do rules right?


Oh no! You called me a snowflake! Such a sick burn I’ve got now.

Seriously, get over yourself. If you have a problem with someone’s name, add it to your ignore list and move on.

Oops, hit a nerve.
Relax man