#NoChanges -Okay changes - what does this mean in the future

So many of these nO ChAnGeS HURRR HURRR HURR people. Blizzard will not just let this game, the only real positive thing of 2019 for blizz, just die off. People 15 years ago weren’t nearly as hardcore as the “meta” players are today.

Bugs, exploits, and loopholes that existed in original vanilla. How far do these updates go?

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I’m fine if all of those are undone/fixed, especially if they become problematic as this had.

For 95% of the original honor grind, you had more difficult versions of AV that helped prevent the zerg rush to the end mentality. This resulted in WSG/AB being the top place for honor rankers to spend their time.

AV being released in this pathetic form has resulted in spamming it to gain honor ASAP, which is absolutely the opposite of how it originally was. Blizzard allowing that has made the biggest change of them all in regards to classic PvP.


They nerfed reckoning again for Paladins.

Great post, OP. You too, Nightime.

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I still don’t want changes, I want AV and the honor system to more reflect what it was like for 80-90% of AV / honor system in vanilla wow. Not the worst part of it that lasted for like 10% of the actual vanilla game and was horrible.

I don’t disagree and really dislike the AV meta,

But blizzard has made it openly crystal clear we are playing a “1.12+” version of vanilla when it comes to balance and quality of life/fixes. (with content patches being released in a format somewhat following vanillas order)

This exactly what the current AV falls under.

With every change I just see retail getting closer. It’s a real shame. I’ll keep playing until most of the fun is gone, but I’m still really bummed about the skeleton piles.

Ummm we did have ventrillo. I owned one that was a 500 person ventrillo server during vanilla.

What change. You mean av? Which change in general. Because a couple of them arent changes and are actually reverting stuff back to original vanilla numbers. Please give a list of what changes you think.

People literally made premades in vanilla. The difference is, it was the horde that did so, and apparently that made it acceptable.

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So why was making premades okay during vanilla but an exploit in classic? The only difference is the faction that got to do it…

That was part of the difference, yes – it was possible for both sides to do it so it wasn’t so unbalanced.

But, moreover, the problem now is how rife it was. It was never so out of control and game breaking in Vanilla.

yeah but we also didn’t see alliance using huge numbers advantage to camp flight paths, instances, etc and deny horde access to the world in vanilla either.
yet we don’t see blizzard doing ANYTHING about that in classic do we?

funny how horde literally gets to have their cake and eat it too.
they have more guards at towns then alliance does. their transportation between contents has more guards and better guards as well.
in av horde can get to the first alliance bunker at the same time as alliance.
but alliance gets to the first horde bunker 45 seconds after horde does.

Blizzard needs to stop showing bias to the horde faction.

Just because you didn’t premade av in vanilla doesn’t mean others like my self didn’t.

Sorry to say but you are wrong, premades in vanilla were a thing.

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but premades require 40 not 5.
and horde could make premades in vanilla, and could queue by bg number up to the very end, but now alliance cannot make premades in classic.

Neither faction can make co-ordinated cross server premades in Classic

I fixed it for you.

So why was it okay for horde to do so in vanilla?
In vanilla the less popular faction got to premade. In classic should the same not be true?
But guess poor horde need every advantage they can get.