No xfers for Fresh start Wotlk

I think if they were to Nerf the boosted XP like they did in season of mastery where you get no XP if there’s somebody in the run with you that is higher level that would deter a lot of people from transferring to the server I agree though I don’t think they should ever allow anybody to transfer to the server if they want to transfer off go for it


well if they ever allowed transfer i would hope they at least say

all your bags/bank/gold is deleted except 10 gold to ensure you can use Flight master points
oh and your gear/mounts is deleted and replaced with greens/racial mount incase your some sunwell geared raider.
^^^^^this would never happen though and i bet it will be allowed for the almighty profit above community.


This is what we call a W

SoM had bots 2 weeks after the release.


Within 90 days youll be begging for transters to your fresh server cause itll be dying off by then

This isn’t accurate. The “trouble period” is when the time to ban exceeds the time it takes for a commercial operation to level their bot, and turn a profit.

Paid boosts, and the ability for players to dungeon boost, is what ultimately drops the time for making a profitable bot. If blizzard was able to ban within two weeks of a bot being created, they’d only have a few days to make a return, since most of those two weeks would be leveling up.

With boosting, they’d have closer to ten or more days.

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they def did nerf it - just yesterday someone in my guild was saying that they were getting 40xp per kill in an outlands dungeon because they had a lvl 70 friend with them (and that is with the +50% xp boost currently running). Supposedly today’s maintenance may nerf exp even further for anyone with more than 5 level spread

Who wants a fresh start server when most of the ones u have now are dead?

IDK about everybody else, but I’ll be playing on one.

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They really need to deal with it…not sure how but still, that’s one of the things that really bothered a lot of people that left the game during classic vanilla

Same here.

I can get you one of those signs to hang around your neck and then a bell and you can stand in a major city ringing the bell yelling the end is near

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We need at least one wrath classic realm that does NOT allow transfers to it or boosts, ever. One clean, organic, untainted server for all those who want that.

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