No WoW Tokens to buy

Anyone else seeing this? Trying to buy tokens and all I get is a popup. “There are currently no WoW Tokens for sale. Please check back later”

It’s because nobody needs gold right now. There’s no gold sinks. Gold is uaully wanted at the start of expansions for gear/professions etc

But later on? You don’t need it. All I spend gold on is repairs, and raiding stuff. And I make the gold I need by just raiding and stuff. I don’t need a lot. And if people don’t need gold, they aren’t putting out $20 for 200k

We just started a new season, people need gear crafted, enchants and consumables. There’s a greater need for gold now than there has been in months.

This has something to do with the changes they made to token purchases recently.


lol maybe I cheese it. I never wear crafted gear, I buy rank 2 enchants because they are usually 1/2 price or even less then rank 3. There’s alot of things you can do to save gold. If you aren’t a 1% world first raider, you can go without a lot of things

That’s cool, nobody cares what you do.

Something else is up with the token.


Everyone is buying them while they are low to get the new expansion…and now they are low nobody wants to spend real $ to add more to the market

THAT’s what’s going on

The price looks pretty low right now so probably not much demand.

If everyone was buying them then the price would be high, not low.

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I’m really regretting not buying one at 350 k last week. I was waiting to buy it. :confused: now I won’t at all.

Trust me, it’ll go back up. It doesn’t change instantly.

Or can’t apparently, I tried to nab one earlier and couldn’t.

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People were selling token for gold a few days ago before the change while the price was still high.

And yes we need some expensive vendor items in this game so that more supply is created of those tokens - they really need to do something about D4 making this game more expensive to play.

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After reading the comments it’s come to my attention that they really need to teach basic economics in public school.



I just checked it, was showing they are selling for 260k ish.

But did you buy one? That’s the part I’m stuck on

I managed to buy one about 30min after I made this post. Once it let me buy it then took my gold and didn’t give me a token, But refunded the money in the mail, Then the next purchase let me buy one

Weird, I’ll go try it again

You have it backwards kiddo.

Spending gold to buy the Token off the AH raises the price. This increases the demand which is called “Called supply and demand”. Spending real money on the token increases the supply lowering the gold you get and lowering the gold cost on the AH. Buying the token with real money generates the Supply of the token.

AKA if you want to buy gold and get a lot of gold for your 20$ then you need to make a lot of threads and facebook post talking about how low the price iw, convincing people they should spend gold on the token. This is when when the War Within Presale started the price skyrocketd to 400k. Everyone was using gold to buy the token to Apply it to their Bnet Balance and buy the xpax with Gold.

If you want the opposite effect then you need to TELL NO ONE when you see the price low. If no one is buying it off the AH the Gold cost will keep falling.

Welcome to Economics 101 Class

Just wait for WW beta and watch it go almost 400k because FOMO ppl will want their beta access through Epic edition :stuck_out_tongue:

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When it hits 350k-400k then I’ll consider it.

Then I’ll waste it buying transmog pieces off the AH.

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