No, We Don't All Want Dual-Spec Added to BC

“there are no drawbacks to dual spec” is an opinion, not a fact. and it’s an opinion borne of ignorance.


Nope, the cost deterrent in addition to it not being entirely accessible to play two different specs at any point with no downside is inherently important to be avoided in the design of TBC. Has nothing to do with a cooldown…

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All things I wanted to get away from when I left the modern game permanently to play classic, with the expectation that it would be, at the very least, majority of it, authentic to how things actually were back then.

You just laid out the reasons I had for leaving retail right there.


A cool down prevents frequent spec swaps, which is the only debatable issue with dual spec.

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Nope, I want the gold deterrent to be there as well, and thankfully, it’s historically accurate for it to be.

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So don’t use dual spec if you don’t like it.

the gold deterrent acts as a great coolddown, because apparently lots of people here are terrible at farming gold

not a valid argument for an MMORPG, sweetie.
you’ve essentially admitted defeat here


Eh… people keep saying that WoW is great because of all the choices you have, you know like choosing not to use an optional feature like dual spec.

I won’t.

Because it’s not in the game :sweat_smile:

Stop projecting. I played original TBC and I can recognize when quality improvements can be made without damaging the overall experience.

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The difference between a good argument and a bad one is personal bias.

I don’t trust peoples biases.

And thats jsut like saying world buff’s were optional in classic. We saw how that played out.


Every time you add a convenience or implement a quality of life addition, you devalue the worth of the work that is involved in the meaning of Classic. All these additional perks ruined Retail WoW for so many players.

The fact is that making the game easier or more accessible is exactly what separates Classic and Retail. Furthermore, Blizzard is notorious for making bad decisions and compounding them by fixing the problems they created with more bad decisions. We should be asking Blizzard to make as FEW changes as possible. We don’t need a Retail #2.

Classic is popular BECAUSE it is harder, grittier, and the players have more customization of their characters than in Retail. Talent trees, specializations, and gear options are seemingly boundless when compared to “cookie cutter” classes in Retail.

So, enjoy the hardness, the difficulty, and the drudgery of leveling. The value in things lies in how hard they are to obtain, not in how easy. As in real life the hardest challenges overcome offer the greatest rewards.


Lol who asked bro.

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At this point, I want them to give us dual spec. Why? Because I want dual spec to, once again, not fix the tank shortage, seeing the idiots who said it would be wrong, AGAIN, and then seeing those same morons backpedal and say it was a great move, and they were totally right, because their wait times went from 45 mins to 40 mins and that’s based on the voices in their heads and not any actual, quantifiable metric.


Not really the same thing.

If world buffs were something that only a few people in a raid had a need to use and were easy to acquire they never would have been an issue.

Fight your self gratification for the good of the entire game. The fun is in the difficulty, not the ease of play.


You need help if you think people need help over a video game opinion

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I want duel spec. I’m lvling as a holy pally…Questing not possible.