No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

No it is not.


I swear these people have serious issues, I mean they don’t even know their own core races.


I think he inhaled the Clorox fumes trying to become a blonde haired elf.

Hmmm, I always wondered what they were on, it’s all starting to come together now.

Giving the Alliance side of Proudmoore a bad name and I play Alliance Proudmoore when I want to play Alliance :pensive:

My priest and mage are there but I may faction change my mage back to a Blood Elf like he was originally and bring him to Tich idk seems almost easier to make a new mage but I collected tailoring recipes and things on him so I love him.

I still can’t see how someone who doesn’t even care about their elf enough to get it to level 50 cares about their ary fantasy so much.

Proudmoore Alliance is toxic, the community is nothing like it once was, like literally if you login for a few minutes and just read trade chat you’ll see how much it’s fallen from what it once was to the cesspool that it is now.

Did you not play WC3? Like. Prior to WoW’s existence, night elves were and always will be the core alliance elf.

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Night elves were an independent faction and shot humans on sight.


Oh i am so sorry was it night elf that fought with humans to kill trolls and later fight orcs too in second war. Even in wc3 blood elves were alliance campaign.

Oh boy solarsinax is typing. Varsity snacks. Varsity snax.

Lol, Aed and me already established a few posts back that they don’t even know their own core races. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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edit: Actually, orcs are deforesting ashenvale. Grom killed Cenarius. There is major reason for night elves to be in the alliance. Night elves are alliance. Always have been.

It’s scary when we know more about Alliance and Alliance races than supposed Alliance players.

Wasn’t the whole point of the WC3 High elf campaign showing them becoming blood elves and breaking ties with the Alliance?


People aren’t going to stop until every class and race is exactly the same.

Then the same people will complain about how everything is the same.

Now, I might be a small-town, big city slicker lawyer. And sure, most of my law education came from binge watching ‘Suits’ but your honor…

I forgot where I was going with this.

But yeah.

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It’s because they make claims based on their feelings. Then when we check the facts to see how we’re “wrong”, we learn about the true history of the alliance. They don’t really care about that stuff. They just want their white skin blonde hair elf fantasy on alliance. Just goes to show blizzard’s values. Superficial desires are more important than lore.

This is exactly why I have zero tolerance and zero respect for anyone that wants to steal our race and our races customization for Void Elves.

Yeah I feel that it’s just too much pandering to the wrong crowd. Makes me uncomfortable and shouldn’t have happened. The void elves getting blood elf tones on top of the human customizations preventing mixed appearances is a very bad look on blizzard.

The real problem is Blizzard tried to throw them bones by giving them our Blood Elf model as Void Elves and our skintones but they are ungrateful and they want to take and take and take and it will never end because if they get all of our customizations, they’ll start about why they should have or get Paladin class and Demon Hunter class, then they’ll start about stuff like Silvermoon and our racial mounts, then after all that they’ll start on another race like Vulpera because they want that race on Alliance as well which leads me back to it never ends with these people and it never will.

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