No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

They are just unsubbed until exoansion is out.

Well, at least they have some conviction. More than I can say for others.

Or as I always say, if you don’t like a game, you shouldn’t be playing it.

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It’s funny you and people like you actually believe that you don’t drive people away from the game with your annoying crybaby mentalities. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


Why do you think that? I have monster hunter world, cod, overwatch, so many single player games, so many nintendo switch games. I could go outside and find a girlfriend. I could do anything but pay to play a game that is made by devs that don’t respect the values of their players. Why should I play a game made by sellouts? Over all the other things I could be doing with my life, why should I? I am stating my case with what time I have left on these forums, and then letting go. The ball is literally in blizzard’s court. I will not be playing WoW again while blood elves exist on both factions.

If alliance gets what it is owed. Blizzard will get many more subs then it’s ever had. A lot of people quit because of void elves but without blonde and whiter hair color it’s not enough to come back.

Sounds like a negative to me. I’m hoping wow becomes a single player game.

What you’re owed is a full removal of void elves with that nasty entitled attitude that deserves punishment. You’re clearly ungrateful at the compromise you have already been given.

No one will miss the people that will quit over not getting blonde hair. In fact, it would make the game a better place if they quit.

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The biggest playerbase of the entire game is Horde players, if they drive away all of the Horde players by stealing a Horde core race 100% without Horde players getting anything in return they will drive away most of the gaming population and people like you won’t have a game left to play anyway.

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The same is for alliance if we all quit becaue we cannot play as one of our core races all alliance will quit and horde will have no enemy and quit as well. Wow will end after all alliance quit.

Yea, I’d pay money to see that. Never going to happen.

What people on both sides aren’t taking into account that the whole helf/velf/belf thing is really only being fought by a few passionate individuals of the player base. As a whole, while someone might have feelings one way or another, it’s not enough to be the decision that makes the play and/or not play.


So a minority quit because they introduced void elves… blood elves are quitting because they feel their identity is stolen… blood elves will quit even more if their hair colour is stolen… blood elves are the most played race in game… they should give void elves our hair so that they can maybe get some resubs from people who quit because void elves weren’t enough?

I’m sorry but what? This is just hard to wrap my head around. It sounds like you think you said something logical, but I can’t find the logic in your post.

Most of the people that play Alliance currently play it as alts anyway, to pretend that anyone actually plays Alliance because they actually want to is beyond laughable.

Core races are the ones introduced in classic (and BC and Cats). High Elves are not, have never been and never will be a core race.

What a maroon.


You say this after being very insulting? Don’t you think you should have lead in / started with this?

this thread is still going? geez

they should have belf tone/options purely because alleria has blonde hair and hair style

this shouldnt even be a discussion, it shouldve been in the game day 1, but i guess lore and consistency wasnt always a thing that was on the table huh


Lol, you are literally expecting the trashy people of the world to not be trashy.

Edit - it’s like expecting hot garbage not to be hot garbage in a garbage can in the middle of summer.

They should not have belf tone/options purely because gameplay trumps lore and all races should be visually distinct to keep the game from looking like a mess.

Edit: Also, Void Elves are way more interesting and we should focus on options that make them even better and more interesting in their voidness.


There is really nothing that promises blonde hair, and seeing as this was a compromise I hope they look at it as having tried to give the HE fans the RP tools they need but don’t go further because they have to think of Blood Elf fans too.

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We should have gotten all our care races which is high elf not night elf when wow first started.

Core Race: Not an Allied Race. Playable Races introduced in Classic, Burning Crusade, and Cataclysm.

:clap: High :clap: Elves :clap: are :clap: not :clap: a :clap: core :clap: race :clap: Karen! :clap:

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