No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Not going to lie I reported the age thing.

Like seriously. What a maroon. Fifty shades of maroon.

That’s what the purpose of the light violet tone was. It was nearly fair skin. That’s all you needed. Not a skin with NO TRACE OF THE VOID.

You’re not a void elf at that point, you’re an alliance blood elf thief.

Oh boy. She’s posting again.

In before “just give me blonde hair and white hair so I can have my hIgH eLf FaNtAsY!!!111eleven.”


We neved asked fof void elf. So if they get blonde and white hair now i think it would be fair compromise because it is still called void elf after all.

That is basically all that they are at this point it’s literally why they want 100% of our customization options.

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Then, I kinda hope we don’t. This is my favorite thread.

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Ah, so since everyone is getting what they ask for. I want them to revert the changes. Why is your ask more important than mine? Are you willing to cancel your sub if you don’t get blonde hair? I doubt it. My sub IS cancelled over the blood elf thievery.

A fair compromise would be accepting the compromise you already got and not posting anymore.

It’s hard to tell because of his portrait but he shaved his female void elf’s head in protest of not having blond hair.

Imagine being on a RP server and not having enough imagination or common sense to put it in your TRP.

Meanwhile people are playing ogres, quillboar, and arakkoa despite not having avatars at all.


Juice boxes belong in the fridge.


They have weaponized their distorted mentality :scream:

I feel like doing that is kinda immersion breaking though. I wouldn’t want that type of person in my RP circles. “Why do you not have hair?” “Because I’m angry that blizzard won’t give me blonde hair options. I am unhappy with the void identity. I am a high elf. For now this is the only way I can express who I am.”

Hey there Varsinax.

Everyone should Google Varsinax.

And see all I want is for them to leave Blood Elves alone and demand customizations from some other race instead of degrading my race’s identity even more.

Yeah I want my identity back entirely. I called my blood elves void elves the other day. I do not own a void elf and I wasn’t doing it intentionally to manipulate my argument. It was an honest mistake. That’s how confused blood elf identity has become. I have never even been to the void elf zone, let alone play one. Why did they do this? It’s not enough for me personally, just avoiding giving them our hair. Blizzard needs to take away our skin from void elves if they want my sub back.

It’s unlikely that Blizzard will walk it back. The only thing we can do is loudly give counter-feedback when people make loud demands for our hairstyles and hair colors.

That’s fine. There’s no chance that I’m subscribing again until they revert the changes. If that’s a permanent change to my life, so be it. I do not value WoW that much. Never have and never will.

So my question is, when does your sub run out? I think that you can only post here with an active sub.

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the 31st, why would it run out in the middle of the month?

See you in shadowlands.

If you uploaded it in the middle of the month, right? Besides, it’s already the 25th. I just wasn’t sure. Anywho. I’ll miss seeing you around.