No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

my father had some really honest saying about people sadly most of them still fit the we want all the blood elf options group. Sad really but in a way predictable these are people who think they are owed everything in life and are the real world Karens that have now infected wow as well.

My step sister is named Karen. I feel so bad for her.


Let’s just agree to disagree.

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Let’s agree you’re insufferable.


Considering you are one of the people that screams, cries, complains, demands, etc. you and people like you are the problem so I stand by my original statement to you.


I feel bad for her too what a crappy time to be named Karen.

Sadly I have come to openly hate void elf players over human players in wow. pvp is fun cause I just target them now. I avoid Night elves and Gnomes.

How do I block someone on the forum my life would be so much better.

I like Void Elves. I like my friends who play them. I’m happy they got customizations that make them happy. I just don’t want to have my identity degraded anymore.

However in pvp, I always kill the bargain bin blood elf wannabes first because I find the crazy high elf stans who can’t behave so insufferable.

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If I see something I haven’t seen before, I’ll throw a dollar at it

I like you!!!

You click their avatar, you click view activity, then the normal and then you can block for however long you want, I click forever when I block people.

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Void elves ARE NOT a different RACE than blood elves, they just have void corruption. They have belf tones because they could have less void corruption than others. So if you don’t want that option, don’t choose it (though I can see by your profile you did, so why are you whining?)

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I feel so blessed to know that now Thank you Naughtymoon.

First you and people like you would need a dollar or more to actually spend, I’m at the point I am starting to think that’s the reason you guys won’t just pay Blood Elves is you don’t have the means to pay for the faction changes.

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No problem dearie, I learned the other day and I’ve already blocked 5 people that I cannot stand to ever even see a post from them again.


If they aren’t a different race then why can I not have blue skin and tentacles on my Blood Elf?

Oh no I have found out 90% want that Lord of the rings fellowship which the company originally did not want to follow. i mean you see it enough in every thread they make.

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It’s pretty clear that Void Elves are a different species than Sin’dorei. Just because they have a common ancestor doesn’t mean they’re the same.

It’s like calling a tiger a housecat. They’re not anywhere remotely the same.

I know, I was more or less being rude because he was overly rude to me earlier and I have zero tolerance for people that start with me or anyone else then expect me or them not to be rude right back.

Oh sure they are, just remember to warn your family and friends that if they lose an arm or get eaten it’s not your fault.

Lol, sorry, I couldn’t help myself.

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