No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

I sure would love to be forgotten while turned into the savior of the world while they give me things I’ve been asking for.


My mog isn’t showing up yet or I would post on her. The mog does highlight the need for belves to get as many jewelry color options as the draenei though.

And skinnier, should have access to a different set of hair styles, could easily justify different facials and jokes, all deserve stormhammers and gryphons, and really should be their own thing.


If this is what I’m getting for Wildhammer, I’d like more tattoos and feathers that work with all of our hair though.

Pretty shure that’s impossible. Someone will always remember you.

I still have my old mog here…

Ah the WoW dream coming Soon™ to a faction that isn’t ours. :joy: :joy: :joy:


My dislexya requires me to make edits ok >.<

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No you look different on my phone.

Sounds like an excuse.

A phone from the future.

My priest is wearing the exile reach gear in my profile still.

That would never be why people would remember you, I have always remembered you since our first chat because I like chatting with you, you argue well and you stay on point and you have always been nice to me.

Let’s just hope collars aren’t included.

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Don’t listen to him Avarie we love you on the Allaince!

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Yeah, I’d prefer they be kept far away from me!


Except that’s not what we all do. I personally only really got into this whole High Elf debate about five or six months ago. Before that I was happy with my Void Elf. Then one day I saw forum post asking for them, so I did research watched some Youtube videos about the topic, and learned some lore. I decided I agreed with them, and wanted to give my support that’s all I’ve been doing. I’ve always tried to remain civil met a lot of cool pros and some cool antis. From my personal time on the forums I’ve seen far more toxic antis(not all them a lot of them are nice people) then I have pros by far. Anyway I should post more on my velf/helf. She’s lovely her name is Anyn!

And I’ve seen pros who threatened to quit the game over a transgender character and one that uses racist and alt right talking points. And a lot who are whiny, passive aggressive, and petulant.

I still think I can count them on one hand, but there’s been a few more of that category that post on these forums at least.

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I’m only counting the ones I’ve personally seen.

wildhammer being taller was something from the non canon rpgs, that didn’t come to wow, the only difference is some tattoos.

no, they aren’t, the fel taint is already gone, like you can see, they didn’t get corrupted like other races, there is also blood elves who never got the fel taint anyway, who were far away from silvermoon or came back after the sunwell was restored

they are minority most of then are civilains

and im not against turning then into void elves, but that would not make then high elves anymore, period.

you are struggling to understand that they give an option to play pretend.

and high elf boys still want more, want all

they already do,but yous till want more, want all the blood elf options, end this massive cry lol

That is a lie, btw, the race changed and mutated over the years, is like saying you are a monkey because once, millions of years ago your ancestor share a common ancestor with the monkeys.

No… blood elves got a fel taint that went away/got cleaned, they never infused themselves with fel, like void elves are, they dod not pop up in green fel energies and so on

void elves are elves mutated by void energies, another race, just like high elves are NOT night elves, but another race.

if they changed they are not the same race anymore, big brains

they are a different race/subrace, thats wow lore


You are kidding right, I have seen so many toxic people from that side it’s not funny and worse they attack you when you disagree with them and even when you use actual facts they attack you, so I’m sticking with what I told you before I don’t want to be like you or them if that’s what it takes to get what I want because I actually like having people here like me for me, not for being another sheep like you following them.

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My favorite one is the one from Dalaran who can’t tell your / you’re apart and thinks he knows lore but has been proven wrong time and time again. What a maroon.

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