No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

I would love a decent wizard beard on my nightborn and in perfect world I would have one almost like the long Lightforged one… but with mana strands.

But I’d honestly settle for any beards.

90% of horde facial hair is depressing.


It will all come to tears! Evil Pope collars don’t lie!

Why you have to stab me in the heart by reminding me of that.

Baine as an alliance bootlicker was not enough, let’s also have the brat that abandoned her people as a replacement for someone who abandoned her people, but this one at least licks alliance boots.

Sad sigh


I hope they do, honestly. They can’t possibly not take into consideration Blood Elf fans feedback :confused:

You should join the Horde anyways, the Alliance doesn’t care about Night Elves anyways.


You certainly have more faith in them that I do.

Me? I feel they see bethesda as a role model at this point.

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Oddly I really like her outfit, I would kill for her high heeled boots for transmogging on all of my characters.

I was just furthering your point about how often we change leadership while pointing out Calia. Lol.

Yeah, but it’s one of those foil wrapped chocolate coins. I couldn’t afford the real thing.

technically Wildhammer dwarves are taller than your average dwarf… they’ve changed just like Dark Iron dwarves have changed.

I know but yeah, goes to show about how feedback from the Horde reaches Blizzard.

You miss every shot that you don’t take. You are displaying the attitude of someone who gave up without even trying. If you never get, because you never tried then the only person you have to blame is yourself.

I’m sorry, that high collar just looks like something an evil religious leader would wear.


Yeah man, those High Elf stans over at WoWhead.

Reach out and touch faith.

Or w/e it is.

Anything for you! I actually like the new belf priest I made quite a bit. I gave up on trying to log back in tonight though.


Honestly, I have too many damn toons at the end of the day.

I’m actually lowest on humans, short elves, vulpera, and undead.

Though I may need to double check. I got a bit carried away with the new options on humans.

I named her Persistent and she will be the stubbornnest warrior. And also have fantastic poofy purple hair.

Don’t ruin Depeche Mode for me now :sob:

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One of us… One of us…


And MMO-Champion.

I’ve seen how crazy they are.

They never have listened to us, yet people still scream Horde this and Horde that and yet it’s like how do you figure?

Lol, well if her being an evil raid boss means I can get that outfit for transmogging I’m okay with that.

If getting what I want would mean being a crybaby all day every day on the forums and complaining about every little thing day in and day out like you people do, I’ll pass thanks.