No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

I have thought that too which is a bit creepy at times because if someone is that obsessive that’s scary but who knows, maybe they actually are.

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Like the new Void Elf has barely any posts. He’s probably an alt of a tool I already blocked and I should just block him because he’s beyond reason.

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I am looking forward to WoW when I’m back home.

In honor of these threads, I may have to level my pair of short elves after I get through the last 4 levels between me and Mag’har heritage armor.

I’m also beginning to taste blood in the water for honor level 300…

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That’s some dedication, 300.

I just want to know what impact the art director has on things for people to try to twist their words as if they alone have given them the promise of High Elves.

You should if you feel that offended by my opinion. It would save us both some time.

Stalkers are gonna stalk or something like that, look at all the people that stalk most of us from thread to thread.


What if I’m an elf that wants to share my hairstyles and colors with the nightborne? They need more looks.

No that’s stealing and cultural appropriation. And it’s wrong. And it’s not fair and it’s uh…bad.

I really like random battlegrounds.

They’re very therapeutic and everyone there 100% signed up to be demolished by a female gnome monk with a math pun name and a cute mog.

My “high” voidie is arms, and she’s probably going to level like that.


If I go to suramar and style their hair, that’s not stealing!

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I play VE, I don’t think we need the blood elf hair color options. I would however like the hair styles in our current colors. The ones we have are a bit greesy.

That just shows that you are a good person and a fair person, which I already knew about you Avarie but I felt it was important to actually put that into a post because you are one of the very few Alliance players I actually like.


Crap you’re right.

You win this round logic and reason.


I’m pretty sure this was the solution for the individuals wanting a High Elf option.

Well that does tend to happen when you never shower. Haha.

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All of my Void Elves are Void Elves.

I find the High Elves boring, bland, generic, and remarkably uninteresting. I don’t understand why anyone would ever want to play one.

It’s like. While they’re busy being boring I’m here RPing an Arakkoa. Caw.

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If they did they would have not gone forward with what’s been done.

Let’s face it, only those who whine the loudest will get their way and let’s put it this way… we’re already on our third leadership after two warchiefs were turned evil.


I don’t usually win those. Do I get a medal or anything?


And now we’ll get Calia as a main Horde role and I’ll be happy and everyone else won’t be. Lol.