No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Male night elves do, too.

They’re possibly the worst example of “One handsome face everyone picks and then a billion faces that could, at best, be described as grizzled.” And so of course Blizzard decided that THAT was the part of the male night elf model to import, unchanged.

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Thare are many branches of them for sure. And the one thing that at least remains somewhat consistant is that magic influence plays a part in the sprouting of those branches.

Without it Trolls wouldn’t have evolved into elves, and without the Sunwell high elves wouldn’t exist. But then you got Naga as well. Shal’dorei and from that branch you got Fal’dorei… it’s all over the place.

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Says the troll poster because truth hurts you.

Has nothing to do with colorblind, has to do with perception of each individual and how it’s not capable of being perceived by others so a color is a color because it’s labeled that but it doesn’t mean that blue to you looks like the same blue to me.

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Starla isn’t a troll I think that’s apparent to everyone.

I also think your posts are very apparent to everyone so I guess once again irony is ironic huh.

frowns in Night elf

which is to say does nothing


I like cheesecake! But I’m not a big fan of it, like one bite and I’m good.

I’m like that with a lot of sweets I have a low sugar tolerance, I always get super thirsty and full after like a bite.

I like both taro and ube a lot, the flavors are good like plain but good. Or a soy chai from like any cafe that serves that, there’s a really good soy lavender chai I get at a local coffee shop near me, so I do crave sweet drinks sometimes idk.

I love spice and salty things though.

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Let’s complain about something that’s already live because we all know how often new options get rescinded, which is to say they will come out with an entire new game just with what you like in it (Classic to start) before they will rescind something from retail.

Your perception of it doesn’t change what it is.

Your refusal to accept what it is because you perceive it differently to what it is makes you a fool.


And yet she made a troll post.

Good for you.

Too deep for you, it’s ok, it’s too deep for most who are unable to get past the superficial.

You try so hard to troll, it’s very entertaining. Keep trying hard.


Is that your perception? Because that wasn’t what it was, more like a rhetorical point for emphasis.

Though maybe you’re so used to doing that behavior you just described you see it in others.


Self explanatory.

So you are so used to that behavior from yourself that you see it in others. Got it.

I hope you learn to argue in good faith in the future.

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Again…self explanatory.

Edit: Still waiting on


The philosophical, is the sky blue, or is it some other color because not everyone perceives things the same way, is always fun, but ultimately means the same thing. The Sky is a color. The word we use for that color is meaningless. Denying it is that color based off of your personal perception, has no real effect on anything.

Except to point out how much you missed the point of the exercise.

Please. If I was only concerned with being trollish I’d do this.


Honestly, that would be a better response.

It’s the law of equivalent exchange you know?


You seem to have trouble with things that are rhetorical, I do hope hope you get clarity on them in the future.

The fact that you don’t know how a visual theme was lost when nothing was done in return, is its own issue, and a you problem not my problem to continue explaining something to you.


And now we have a window into what details matter in your mind and what doesn’t. Thanks for sharing.

This is HIGHLY interesting, kind of like when you deny the truth so you can post gifs of people being sprayed because you don’t like the truth and say things like

Followed by said gif.

Attention to detail is important, the 3 or 4 of you in here on recirc celebrating one another…none of you are about attention to detail, you are all in here being upset to be upset and giving each other hearts. Very highly entertaining.

Again…self explanatory.

Got it, you have no explanation other then “i’m butthurt”. Blood Elves are still Blood Elves as they always have been, still the same in the game and are even more customizable now then they ever have been. That’s REALITY vs. your perception of “they lost their visual theme”. Good luck being a victim.

Actually it’s YOUR problem. I personally don’t care, which is where i started. It’s what the 3 or 4 of you are in here on recirc about, most everyone else moved on and doesn’t care, hence why it’s the 3 or 4 of you in here providing me laughs and entertainment.

Edit: Wingstop calls, looking forward to more entertainment, please supply.



Prediction: He will soon start declaring himself the winner of the argument because he refuses to see the counter arguments and so, those will be dismissed.

Shoulda just sprayed him.