No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

I doubt she would be forgiven, she wasn’t just following orders and personally charges the player with committing killings she knows aren’t right.

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Bad writing abounds.

I don’t think any of that part made sense. I may not have initially agreed about the ethnic cleansing (I do now that I’ve played it myself) but there is no way Blood Elves would accept Vereesa anymore.

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I wouldn’t forgive her myself, but I also wouldn’t forgive those who followed sylvanas after Teldrassil either. I’d like to vote kick Anduin for doing so. Or drop kick him.


The Night Elf main in me is screaming yes!

But the Anduin fan boy is crying in the corner… the weakling…


I like Anduin too, mostly, but that got under my skin, as well as the attitude that Tyrande is out of line for wanting some sort of actual justice.


I’ll meet them halfway.

I don’t think destroying the Horde for the Banshee’s crime is the right move. But I sure as heck would have pushed for something more than just laying down arms.

I digress. I don’t want to get into armies and if they could have supported any further war and what not.

Just bad writing all over again anyways.


I don’t want to destroy the horde either, but less than a tap on the wrist, when teldrassil was just the start of heinous acts committed under her leadership?

I really wish there had been so much more showing the horde, their leaders, working against her actively for the entire time after.


Sorry, but at this point, this sounds very passive aggressive coming from you.

And I have to say, I’m here for exactly that. To ask for options that maintain the uniqueness of both Void Elves and Blood Elves. Every race deserves to look like their own people and the whole attempt of passing more customizations as a way of homogenization something I’ll never agree on.

I want Blizz to be creative with the races they made, not to make them look like someone else.

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So much this. So much.

I have actual trouble playing most of my Horde toons through BfA content because they just wouldn’t have put up with that a second time…

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We had a few example of these.

But it was so “well done” everyone always came off as if they were doing what they were doing for the Alliance rather than for the people within the Horde.

Yeah, now that I can choose what to level through I’m not sure I’ll do horde side bfa again.

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Too late.

Also, glad that I’ve been helping in the healing of your poor battered palate.

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I’m okay with Horde and Alliance having some characters that look very similar. Both sides can be Pandaren. What I don’t like is that the blue skin is suddenly no longer part of the Void Elf racial identity. They should have instead added a new race of elves (or skinny Humans) to the Alliance that has those skin colors.

Also, Void Elves and Dark Iron Dwarves need more non-glowy hair styles.

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Do you like panna cotta? Or simple vanilla custard? How about vanilla cheesecake? :smiley_cat:


(Query): Why, what happened? Were the blue skin tones removed? Does Umbric have a beach tan now?


well to me void elves are still the same as they were.

I don’t view the new “normal” skin tones as for void elves but instead the “race” being shared between void elves and high elves.


God, now I want cheesecake.


I wonder if you consider Demon Hunters to be a different race then, and not Night Elves and Blood Elves. Because by that logic then you should.

I would say that they are pretty close to that but not quite. But then again, with blizzard’s inconcistencies it’s hard to say. At the very least we know for a fact that they’re not affected in the same way by the fel (or the demon they consort with, rather) as it affected fel blood elves. Those are indeed a race on its own for the same reason that one wouldn’t say that the red skinned orcs with bone spikes sprouting out of them are the same as the orcs that are just green.

Also for the record, I was being highly hyperbolic with that post. The person I was replying to is one of those that causes that from me.

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Okay I understand now. I feel like Elf biology can get confusing sometimes in Warcraft. We have so many versions of them in the lore. I’s almost as many as the Elder Scrolls universe lol.

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