No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Ah so something entirely unrelated committed by an individual blood elf, caused her to hate the blood elves because of “treason against the kirin tor committed by blood elves”.

No, you’re wrong and misinformed. Read about the history of Kael’thas when he arrived in Dalaran when it was under Garithos’ rule. That is the treason blood elves committed toward the kirin tor. That is what concerns vereesa.

Simp for a racist wench all you want, but that’s what it is.

Avarie was not simping though, and I’ve never seen her defend the SC’s actions.

If anything I’ve only seen her show love for Highvale Elves.

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She argued that Vereesa didn’t hate blood elves for a racist reason(by bringing up a reason that would have made her racist if it were the reason). Maybe it’s not simping, but idunno lol, just wanted to call it that since she’s white knighting for a racist.

while i somewhat agree, i have some of my own opinions on the idea.

void elves are no longer blood elves, and no longer high elves. they could have their head tendrils removed, and their entropic embrace hidden, but they would still remain void elves ideologically, and that is all that matters.

they will never be high elves, no matter what you do to them.

that said, i do think they could have blonde hair, it’d be simple to recolor their existing hairstyles. leave the purple tendrils, no need to remove them. but i don’t think it’s “needed” as some would say.

also, they need to give the non-blue skin tones the dark nail polish and lipstick that the blue skins use.

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How is Avarie “White knighting” anything.

You literally said “I’d love to understand further” and so she attempted to give you her own understanding of the lore, to which you accused her of simping for an in-game racist.

The yikes comment snowball is rolling faster and faster.


Avarie is more pro Alliance than I am, but she’s extremely decent, and argues for Blood Elves too, out of all the people to argue with she’s not deserving of it xD there are other people worth arguing with for sure though.

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I couldn’t care less if you got customization options from Alliance, but okay.

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I haven’t read anything about Vereesa being pissed that Kael’thas and his men didn’t end up being executed. If you have a source that says so I’d like to see it.

There’s some sort of beef with her and Lor’themar, but I’ve never found a source that specifies what that is. She does however get along well with Halduron. From what I’ve read, the incident with her cousin was fueled by Kael’thas’ teachings after he went to outland, so that’s where her mistrust may have started.

I always assumed Lor’themar was pissed with her for supporting the Kirin Tor since we know he was there when they tried to kill Kael’s forces.

Also, I’m not saying her views are correct. In fact she is hypocritical in a sense, as she condemns the actions blood elves took to survive but would have been tempted to take such actions herself if Rhonin hadn’t helped her cope.

I just have never seen anything that states that she’s mad that Garithos didn’t succeed in executing Kael’thas.

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I read about all the interactions between the blood elves and the Kirin Tor to find the said “treason” Vereesa is referring to. The racist events between Garithos and Kael’thas are the only acts of “treason” that occurred as far as I read.

We have to be clear though, it’s not something personal that happened to Vereesa. That’s not why she is in her position in the silver covenant. It is her relationship with Rhonin and the Kirin Tor, and the historical relationship between the blood elves through Kael’thas’ falling out in the past having an influence on the way the alliance forces in Dalaran and the Kirin Tor view blood elves. Inherited prejudice. Pass it on to the next generation.

It’s the lack of other acts of treason that lead me to believe that it is her basis for prejudice. It’s ignorant, and that’s realistic. Most cases of racism irl, are based on ignorance and inherited prejudice. They should just die out as a group of like 50 racists isolated in Dalaran, protecting against the evil blood elves for the rest of their sad lives. Hyper vigilant racist city guards.

It is what it is though, until someone can find another act of treason the blood elves committed against the kirin tor.

I think the act of treason you are referring to is actually after the sunreavers were admitted to Dalaran, and some helped Garrosh bomb Theramore. She wasn’t crazy about them being there in the first place, but the only thing I see about treason relates to Theramore and therefore wasn’t the reason she opposed them being in Dalaran in the first place.

All of this. Why is jewelry restricted these days anyways?



Technically that was one tantrum Warchief.


That’s not true, she was openly prejudice toward blood elves in wotlk. It’s why the silver covenant exists. High elves hating on blood elves. You’re talking about the events of a later expansion. There is a timeline in WoW.

I am aware, but the only act of treason she has accused the blood elves of is the sunreavers specifically, because of their role in Theramore. Yes, she did not trust the belves and did not want them in Dalaran in the first place, but there’s no mention of treason prior to Theramore.

Yeah you’re right it was the way they worded the article.

I think she has mixed feelings about her blood elven kin. She was looking forward to going to Silvermoon again when she was going to join Sylvanas in Undercity, and feels that they can be redeemed. She also showed up to help assist against the amani in cataclysm.

So either the writing is odd and inconsistent (perish the thought) or she has massive mood swings in regards to blood elves.



I really don’t feel this comes even close to balancing her relationship with them. She led a full blown ethnic cleansing against them.

I didn’t care for the purge honestly. It wasn’t a good move by Jaina or Vereesa, and a lot of innocents paid the price for the actions of a few.

That’s one thing that makes it more confusing though. It was after theramore when she almost joined Sylvanas which would have meant reuniting with the blood elves as well. That was also after the purge I believe.

Would they have even accepted her if she blesses them with her forgiveness? Are they only actually ticked at Jaina? The writing gives me a headache and a lot is not expanded on or clarified.