No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

We need white and blonde hair colors along with Alleria tattos, then we can finally represent that alliance high elf army of Silver Covenant that we deserve.

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They all need earrings, badly. Why be 80% ear if you can’t pierce them?


Yeah the upper ears especially. I love the new belf earrings called leaves, but they end sooner than they should and two of the new styles cover them at least partially.

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U know the Silver Covenant are racist by lore? Imagine fantasizing about being part of this closed off group of racists living in a dying population. They don’t mix with void elves, that’s for sure.

Glowing tattoos like light-forged would be nice make them purple/blue option would be great with there heritage armor since you could see them


I agree, more void elf options for void elves. More blood elf options for blood elves. Everyone wins. Except for the people trying to force something that shouldn’t occur. Losers should lose, why is that ever a problem?

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A lot of races in WoW are racist… :woozy_face:

Wait that’s weird, why are there High Elf and Void Elf NPCs walking around together talking constantly in the Mages District in Stormwind?

Or multiple High Elf Wayfarer NPCs studying the Void from Void Walker in Telogrus Rift, the Void Elf starting zone.

This is a pretty bold claim considering there’s exactly 0 evidence they don’t mix and…multiple in-game examples that they do. :thinking:



Yeah, but the silver covenant isn’t a race. They are a group of high elves that are racist against blood elves because kael’thas didn’t submit to racist garitho’s oppression in the past. That’s the “treason” the belves committed against the kirin tor that Vereesa refers to. Kael’Thas would have never been evil if Garithos wasn’t racist. Vereesa inherited prejudice against the blood elves and is vigilantly defending against the blood elf “uprising” because of her inherited prejudice. If she questioned the history even once, she wouldn’t think that way. But nawh not important to her, she’s married to Rhonin, she is the alliance. Why would she care about that history?

edit: What’s wrong with stating that losers should lose? It’s true. In what case is it appropriate for a loser to win?

Vereesa had more personal reasons to oppose the blood elves being admitted to Dalaran.

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Not as far as I’ve read but I’d love to understand further.

You called this out but not an obvious comment earlier?

Here is a good example of someone calling out an actual Yikes comment

Not many have committed an ethnic cleansing against an innocent civilian population.

Her cousin kidnapped her twins soon after they were born because he thought half elf kids would be extra powerful or something.

They’re just mad because they won after being a loser and their mentality is distorted as a result. Blizzard giving belf skin tones to void elves created winners out of losers, and this is something humanity should have never done.

By “earlier”…you mean a comment made 13 hours ago?

I just logged in to the forums…it’s the morning…and I see a rude comment as the most recent post. So yes, I call it out.

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True the Horde burning down Teldrassil WAS a rather horrific event.

Isn’t a “yikes” moment. When there are actual yikes moments around.

So how about this new comment they just made? :slight_smile:

Not yikes at all, right?

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There is a difference between harsh and yikes, yeah.

I don’t see what that has to do with it.