No Update on SOM Transfers Yet

Oh I’m sorry, when did I give up?

Can you provide me any evidence to this claim?

Don’t fret, when som is over entirely, you’ll be able to transfer your toon.

I understand you bought a boat load of gold and need it on your wrath server, it’s coming soon.

No need to be upset!

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Any update on xfers ?

You’ll get your gold eventually! Probably December or January

We’re taking our gold to Isengard Earthfury!

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Som2 announcement in 2-3 months!

any update on the xfers laz ?

Once som is completely finished!

Please can we have transfers yet? 16 players on Horde Dreadnaught (EU). 4 players on Horde Kingsfall. 4!

It’s not playable.

hey blizzard any update ?

Nope! Most likely when som ends

any update on xfers still waiting since yesterday ?

Nah you’re gonna have to wait until the end of som lifecycle to transfer your bought som gold

how about now still no update ?

Nope. Probably 1-2 months at the least

Laz how many months has it been since SoM started?

blizzard said SoM will end 11-13 months after it began. we are officially in the 11th month zone now, so they could theoretically end it any time.

Som launched in November of last year. The goal was a 12 month cadence, though they said it could go past that

any update laz?

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Nope! Doesn’t matter to me though

good stuff eta though ?