yeah let’s make everyone quit so you play by yourself. great idea! you’d do wonders in game design!
What makes you think your way is the right way?
Very solid!
A skip is the perfect solution. The issue with Ulduar going into p3 isn’t difficulty, it’s time. Putting the skip in solves this. Also - upping the Val fragment drop rate is solid - it’s generally the only reason for guilds to keep going back and you really want that to be done and dusted before p4 hits.
I mean seriously - if people are still progging FL and XT … Ulduar just wasn’t for them.
And 30 minutes of that is getting guildies to stop goofing around leading into FL.
I think we’ll see a lot of alt leveling - in leu of ICC. P3 is really a gear catchup phase.
Plenty of guilds that haven’t seen a flare drop yet. This helps them also so it’s win/win
Does it if they aren’t buffing the amount of quantity of loot xd
We already giving flare to off specs.
Eh, I’d think you’d be surprised about the more laid back guilds. We’re definitely around 2 hours on average, but this week we floundered for some weird reason and had cleanup on second day.
There’s always one or two bosses where my guild decided to screw up; almost always Freya or Iron Council.
Seen like 2 or 3.
Seen like maybe 2 Mim rings. Zero algalon gloves. I got the first starshard from our first Algalon kill (march 23rd), then zero until last week, but then this week another dropped. I’d be more upset if I wasn’t shelving raiding, but also I botched my BiS list anyways so I’ve been on peace with getting almost any of the remaining HM loot anyways.
Bout 2.5, still too long for my tastes, even 2 hours would be a bit long. Was hoping for nerfs to make it faster, 1.5 hours or so.
Now you get to kill 4 bosses and get 5+ Frags.
Im ok with this. Better this than nerfing it to the ground.
Only reason I wanted a nerf was to make it faster for farming.
This accomplishes that even better than a nerf would. Awesome job.
We slay 4 bosses and leave
permanent Algalon is kind of a big change…
I think we’ve seen two flares drop in my raid group and we’ve had HM Vezax on farm since the end of January, this skip will help us greatly because it’s still BiS for almost every caster (possibly every one?) next phase.
Yogg-Saron will drop granted Fragments of Val’anyr, more with less keepers help
Algalon the Observer will now always drop 2 Fragments of Val’anyr.
Wtf with free legendary retail mentality rofl at how classic is becoming abomination.
We already on our 4th, its always been free.
people dont understand that a 4-6 weeks legendary means that the majority of pug healers will be expected to have it and wont be taken into pugs if they dont
25m hard-modes should drop 2 items