No Traveler's Log credit for Whizbang

I’ve done it well over 10 times now and no credit whatsoever

I’ve done enough portals to receive all the rewards, well over 20 times, and only have credit for two kills.

I have killed it welkl over a dozen times and still only have credit for 3 kills.

I’ve done a total of 6 portals.
The first 5 were last night, none of them counted.
One this afternoon, also did not count… at first. After we beat Dr. Boom, about 30 seconds later another Dr. Boom spawned, killing me near immediately. As I respawned, the 2nd one died, and that one DID give me credit (I’m assuming my pets tagged it before I died).
Don’t know if the random spawn thing is normal, but maybe only those are counting?

Guess when the event is so short it’s not even worth it to fix…

same here, have done this mob at least ten times and only have credit for 3

Same issue, done it a bunch of times, on different toons but only credit for 2

they’re pushing a hotfix for this.

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