No such thing as a Healer carry

You carry the healer, the healer does not carry you. At least not in the 2100s.

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Hello Lazarus, are you doing any free 2200 carries at the moment?

Yes. If you need help let me know. I am back because I saw good near-future patch notes. Good news. You can see by my achievement from last season that I can easily get you at least to 2k if you’re a good priest.


pretty equal. healer carries more. or feels like you can at least.

unless youre the mies

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That’s a pretty broad assumption for wow arena as a whole. Sounds like something you made up in your head and convinced yourself is true based on how you personally experience and interpret the game.

Or may not idk

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Disagree, I’ve carried plenty of people as a healer. Depends on what class you’re playing with. It’s very easy for a healer to carry something like a warrior, dk, dh, etc. Something braindead that can just tunnel the enemy with a pve rotation while you do all the work (and occasionally yell at them to not LOS you).


its funny how im a higher rating in 2s than all my partners its almost as if im the common denominator for gaining raiting :slight_smile:

This tends to happen when you play the most broken class in the game.

Was queueing 1800+ 2s last night for maybe an hour and we came across a few teams where the healer (rDruid) gained no points, while the dps gained 96.
Could have been friends/guildies I suppose, but it’s hard to imagine that many 2k+ restos were using lfg and picking up 1500 players. We ended up taking the night off because of all the perceived carries.

it’s just placement games, 100% normal

Idk mang a while back I played with a glad priest and I felt like no matter what I did he kept me alive. Felt super liberating lol. I definitely felt carried.

My ret partner plays a resto druid alt and I do kind of carry him to an extent. We were gaining a bunch of rating one night a few weeks back and he was just like “I’m literally not doing anything”. But also, that’s resto Druid for you!

Healers can definitely carry just as much as any other role lol


does the milk boi carry a lot in your games

As much as a disc priest can

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takes 2 to tango

Idk when I’m on a dps I feel like my healer letting us die in 30 second is a healers fault then when I heal and we’re losing after 8 minute games it’s a dps problems

Goes both ways


I find it funny how you main a rdruid mr applewatch, and you only post on your priest so people feel sorry for you.

zach just carried kolo and mageiden vs c9 huehue

Can u open a ticket and get my account unbanned? My priests mog is horrible compared to my Druid