[No Stress] LFM Mythic Raiding - 1 Night - 4/8M

LF dps/healers
(evokers, mages, locks, DH, Monk and 1 (non shaman) healer
Message if you class is not listed, always looking for good players.

Friday 9pm ST (Farm/Relaxed night)
Sunday 9pm ST (Mythic Prog)

Ben - b3n

Interested WW monk here. Flamenco#11646
Previous top 10 oceanic guild experience way back in WoD. Have had CE intermittently here and there. Never returned to the game with the same dedication after WoD. Gradually became more and more casual lol.

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still on the hunt for ranged dps (druid, spriest, mages, warlocks, evoker)

Friday/Sunday 9pm ST

lfm ranged dps to start Mythic prog.

See above!

Discord - b3n_

2/8M! LF ranged dps :slight_smile:

LF flex dps/healer and monk and ranged dps - to the top <3

Looking for flex healer/dps. Buff classes (Monk/DH) as well!!!

Chasing buff classes

priority on:


lf ww monk :slight_smile:


Let the real progression begin. LF all ranged dps and possible healer flex :slight_smile:

To the top!

We currently have a few openings. If you are interested and committed for a 1 night guild building for season 2 please reach out :slight_smile:

lfm ranged dps, rogue, ww monk :slight_smile: