No Skyll Alliance?

So I landed after a long flight from orgrimmar to tanaris. I was afk, I come back to the game and there is a level 60 alliance warlock dotting me up as I sit afk.

The guards attack him as he runs off, I pot and then eat and survive the attack.

Moments later I see the same warlock return with about 20% health. So I proceede to ambush this warlock for 1.1k damage and kill him. 9 levels below.

He then come back to life and proceeded to tell me I have ‘No skyll’ in cross faction talk.

How ironic right ? Says the one sitting around dotting afk players 9 level below

Alliance players this is why horde players are so ruthless and gank the living daylights outta you!!


Well, you dont have a choice of spelling in crossfaction.

You should see my spelling when flirting with the orc and troll girls

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Don’t worry - this guy can make any choice he wants in terms of spelling.


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I usually tell them what I’d do to their mother while killing them.

No it isn’t.


yeah, i do it because it’s funny

You just described how horde beat alliance in AV…



weird , theres ussually 4-6 lv 60 undead rogues camping an allianve level 20 zone and not backwards

narrative manipulation is a powerful thing

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You know what really bothers me? My preferred fishing spot is along the river in this tiny little jungle zone, Stranglethorn Vale. Nobody ever goes there. But along the river there’s this camp of alliance-race NPCs that are neutral to horde. There’s always greater sagefish schools there, so it’s fast easy $$$, but there’s also always alliance characters in the low 30s buzzing around like flies. I have to massacre them all over and over and over just so I can fish in peace. It’s a real problem because the GY is literally right there so they respawn immediately. Really puts a damper on my fishing.

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Its pretty entertaining hunting down lowbies within the minute or so i get between wsg queues

I have another story for you.

A horde killed me while in the middle of an escort quest. So I came back and he was doing the same escort quest so i killed him. Since he killed me once, I decided I had to kill him two times to call it quits. So did i. Somehow he logged on ally account and told me i had no skill, was a coward, etc. etc. I was like, dude you started all that and now you’re crying !?


You flirt with that? How low are your standards?

It’s WoW, like i have any standards?

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